About Man Alive

You’re invited!

Watch this short video of Pat describing the new Man Alive Community.

Welcome to the Man Alive Bible Study and the Man Alive Community with Patrick Morley. 

Pat has seriously ramped up the Man Alive Bible Study. With this brand new website, now we can be an even stronger community of like-minded leaders. You want to disciple men, and Pat wants to help. Hence, the Man Alive Community.

In this new format, Pat will equip you with everything you need to start and lead a successful men’s Bible study–all in one place. That includes:

  • Every week an ALL NEW high quality Bible lesson on YouTube, Spotify, Apple, and Amazon
  • WEEKLY handouts for taking notes and discussion questions
  • TRANSCRIPTS if you want to teach the lessons yourself
  • UNLIMITED access to 38 series and over 1,000 videos on every conceivable MEN’S TOPIC
  • Resources to START and GROW a ministry to men
  • BEST PRACTICES for leading and SUSTAINING small groups
  • A monthly mentoring ZOOM call with Pat

Join the Community

The Man Alive Community offers three tiers of involvement: Individual (free), Group ($20/month), and Leadership ($50/month). All funds go back into the mission to reach even more men. 

This is your invitation to lock arms with Pat Morley as never before. Together, we will not rest or be satisfied until every man on the planet has an opportunity to become fully alive in Jesus. 

Join the Man Alive Community today and revolutionize your ministry with Pat’s guidance!

CLICK HERE to see tiers and join Pat as an ally in the battle for men’s souls.

“Dr. Patrick Morley is arguably
the world’s expert on what
makes men tick.

Leary Gates
former President, National Coalition of Ministries to Men (NCMM)