Career & Work

Explore the intersection of faith, career, and personal growth. This series offers practical guidance on achieving financial success, finding meaningful work, and aligning your job with your spiritual values. Learn how to manage finances with a heart for God, gain career advice for various professions, and discover what to do when dreams falter. With insights from biblical principles and inspiring speakers, this series helps you navigate the complexities of work and career while staying true to your faith.

  • Chapter 1 | The Rat Race

    Chapter 1 | The Rat Race

    We’re excited to kick off a new series on The Man in the Mirror book. In this message, Pat Morley is tackling the “rat race”—the endless pursuit of a moving target that so many men are caught up in. For many of us, that includes the man staring back when we look in the mirror! But any good…

  • Chapter 4 | Significance: The Search for Meaning and Purpose

    Chapter 4 | Significance: The Search for Meaning and Purpose

    What is a man’s greatest need in this world? Women share this need too, but for men it tends to be all-consuming—#1. Yet many men are not able to name it, much less tell you how to satisfy it. And among those who can name it, too many are trying to satisfy their greatest need…

  • Integrity: What’s the Price?

    Integrity: What’s the Price?

    The Big Idea: I have far too much at stake to risk it by cutting any little corner anywhere, no matter how small, insignificant, or inconsequential it may at first appear. I want to be known for “scrupulous” integrity. What made men like Peter, Paul, David, Moses, Gideon, Samson, Jonah, and Job so different was…

  • Two Secrets to Your Future Success

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 18: Who doesn’t dream about becoming successful and financially independent? Maybe it’s working for a stable company. Perhaps it’s becoming part of an innovative organization making a big difference in the world. Maybe it’s starting a business of your own. In this lesson, Patrick Morley will help you understand and…

  • Career Guidance for Baristas, Bankers, Fathers, and Friends

    An under-employed 28-year-old man confides in you, “I’m bored and restless. What’s the formula for finding work that satisfies?” What do you say? A hard-working-but-anxious man in his mid-30s asks you, “How can I make more money? I need to earn more money.” What do you say? A father of pre-teens asks you, “How do…

  • Quarterly Speaker Series Presents… Kris Den Besten

    Is there a barrier between your work and your faith? Not for Kris Den Besten. Kris is passionate about empowering marketplace leaders to thrive and live lives of significance through biblical principles. He is also the author of Shine: A Vision for Life and Work That Impacts Eternity. And as the Chairman of Vermeer Southeast,…

  • How Are Your Finances Shaping Your Heart?

    Luke 12:13-21 Jesus knew that how we think about money shapes our character. Our approach can make us more like him—full of contentment, purpose, and freedom—or it can cause a tragic separation from God and the joy he offers.  Jesus invites us to experience four transformations in our financial lives, moving from pride to gratitude…

  • How Should I Think About My Work?

    How Should I Think About My Work?

    Ecclesiastes 2:24-25, 3:22, 5:18-19 Do you enjoy your work? Men are created to work. The Bible teaches that nothing is more normal than to find satisfaction in your work. Truly, there is no greater feeling than to believe, “This is what I’m supposed to be doing, right here, right now—even if it’s hard.” But for…

  • When Your Dreams Fail You

    Genesis 37; Proverbs 27:10 Launch: Strategies to Build Your Career and Family continues with another powerful message. You’ve set a goal. Visualized your future. Worked as hard as you can to bring it to fruition. And it just…doesn’t happen. Whether you’ve crashed and burned in spectacular fashion, or watched your plans fizzle out, it is…

  • The Biggest Loser

    Luke 22:42; Matthew 20:22-23; Romans 12 A man gives up the opportunity for career advancement, turning down a promotion that would have required a move and large amounts of traveling, so he can be involved in his family and church life more fully. Another man devotes his time to coaching. Starting with his own kids…

  • What Is the Difference Between a Job and a Calling?

    Ephesians 2:10, Acts 13:2, 20:33-35, 1 Corinthians 12:6, 15:58, Colossians 3:23-24, Luke 3:8-14 The Conference Board reports that 50% of us find our work satisfying and 50% of us don’t. Which half are you in? In this lesson Patrick Morley will help you clarify the difference between a job and a calling, how you can…

  • Session 7: Work: How Should I Think About Work? [Patrick Morley]

    Genesis 1:27-28, 2:15, 3:17-19, Psalm 8:6-8, Ecclesiastes 2:24-25, 3:22, 5:18-19, Matthew 25:14-33, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:22-24, 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12, James 4:13-15 Do you love your work? Pat Morley says, “There is no greater feeling than to believe, ‘This is what I’m supposed to be doing, right here, right now—even if it’s hard.’”…

  • Getting off the Financial Treadmill

    BIG IDEA: The Simplest Financial Advice Ever: Learn to Say “No” Genesis 41 Are you caught “up in the cycle of never quite having enough?” Do you feel like the end of the money comes before the end of the month? If you’re tired of constantly trying to catch up, join Brett Clemmer as he…

  • The Spiritual Physics of Money

    Matthew 6:19-34, Psalm 37:4, Proverbs 21:20, 13:4, 27:23-24, 1 Timothy 6:7-10, Ecclesiastes 5:10-11, Philippians 4:19 Can you explain money to a new Christian? For example, is it okay for a Christian to want to be rich? How does money threaten our relationship with Jesus, and how can we protect ourselves? Can we really trust God…

  • How Can You Help Hurting Men Through Your Work?

    The Big Idea: How I do my work is my loudest voice. 2 Corinthians 5:11-20, 1 Peter 3:15-16, 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, Jeremiah 29:7 When a man you know through work is hurting and all hope is lost, where can he turn? Will he turn to you? That’s what we all want, right? But how does…

  • How Hard Should You Be Working?

    Big Idea: God calls us to be faithful,not successful. Colossians 3:23-24, Matthew 25:14-30 Work is a topic that doesn’t receive a lot Christian teaching. Which is ironic since most of us spend half our waking hours at work! Regrettably, most of us have had to cobble together our own “theology of work.” Perhaps that’s why…

  • What Does God Want Me To Know About My Work?

    The Big Idea: I am an “ordained” ________. John 5:7, Psalm 8:3-6, Genesis 2:15, 3:17-19 As men, we love to work, and we love to spend ourselves in a worthy cause. But can these two ideas be combined? Can installing septic tanks or unclogging stopped up plumbing really make the world a better place? Can…

  • Three Things You’ll Need to Get Started

    The Big Idea: Preparation without prayer is presumption. Likewise, prayer without preparation is presumption. You feel the weight of a heavy burden. Maybe it’s the nation. But it could be your marriage. Or your business. Maybe it’s you. Whatever’s troubling you, it’s just not working. Something has to change. It’s time to rebuild. Let’s say…

  • Things To Do While Living In Rome

    The Big Idea: Live such a good life that people know where to turn when Rome burns. In Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Francis Schaeffer found five attributes marked Rome at its end: a growing love of show and luxury, a widening gap between the very rich and very poor, an obsession…

  • Finding Work That Makes You Feel Alive

    The Big Idea: I will feel fully alive when I truly believe God gave me this work for a reason. We are made for tasks—to work, to serve, to contribute, to add to the greater good. But if you’re not happy in your work, you’re probably not happy anywhere. So, what if you don’t like…

  • If Work Is a Blessing, Why Does It Feel Like a Curse?

    The Big Idea: We glorify God in work when, in spite of brokenness and sin, we reflect His image to the world. Work can bring some of the highest highs and also the lowest lows. Closing the deal, finishing the project, meeting the sales goal — the feeling is amazing. Having a project go bad,…

  • There’s No Such Thing as a Secular Job

    The Big Idea: My work is not just a platform for ministry, it is ministry. Half of your waking hours revolve around work. Yet most of us have not been trained on how to live out our faith in the workplace. In this first of three lessons on the subject, we’re going to focus on…

  • Spending Money God’s Way

    The Big Idea: If your priorities don’t determine your spending habits, your spending habits will determine your priorities. Money causes stress. When you don’t have a handle on your finances, it makes the rest of life more difficult. Most men have had trouble at some point falling asleep with thoughts of bills, debts, saving for…

  • Making Money God’s Way

    The Big Idea: Few things reveal my true heart as much as money. It’s a challenge to discuss making money God’s way—not because the Bible says so little about it, but because it says so much. So where do we start? How does God Himself advise us to make money? And how do we want…

  • When Money Was My God

    The Big Idea: Few things reveal my true heart as much as money. When I started out my life philosophy was, “Money will solve my problems, and success will make me happy.” But the opposite happened. Money created as many (maybe more) problems as it solved. And success made me miserable. Like all of us,…

  • The Principle of Success That Matters

    The Principle of Success That Matters

    The Big Idea: Success that matters is to be a disciple:  called to live “in” Christ, equipped to live “like” Christ, sent to live “for” Christ. All men want to be successful. And Jesus himself promised an “abundant” life. Yet a lot of us would say our lives are anything but abundant. So what exactly…

  • Solomon: The Principle of Success that Matters

    The Big Idea: God makes men by making it impossible to find lasting happiness in any pursuit apart from Him. As someone who works with men as my vocation, I find surprisingly few men are genuinely content with who they are and what they do—Christian or otherwise. The reason why is so much more prevalent…