How God Speaks to Men through Creation
We have all felt the agony of wanting to hear from God. Yet, in our hearts, don’t we intuitively know the problem isn’t that God has a speech impediment, but that we have a hearing impediment? In this first message of our new series, How God Speaks to Men, Pat Morley will show you how…
How God Speaks to Men through Scripture
In your vehicle you have a dashboard with gauges—some big, some small—that communicate various things to you. These gauges are vital to ensuring you can get to where you want and need to go. But what if you had a spiritual dashboard that could speak to you as clearly as the one in your…
How God Speaks to Men through Jesus
What do we learn from Jesus that we would otherwise not know? In the equivalent of a mere seven sermons, Jesus gave us the defining guidance we all seek for essentially every aspect of our life—identity, family, relationships, work, money, health, justice, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, suffering, service, true happiness, abundant life, building His kingdom, and…
How God Speaks to Men through Discipline
Raw, unedited transcript from video We may feel like we’re a lost cause. Guess what? God delights in lost causes. Well, good morning! Good to be with you men. Somebody asked, “Where’s Pat?” Who knows? I have no idea where Pat is this week. He just gives me a date and says, “You’re on this…
How God Speaks to Men through the Spirit
If you’ve been through a hurricane or tornado and lost power, then you know one thing for sure: It’s better to have power than to not have power. Whatever question, problem, struggle, challenge, or opportunity you’re facing, did you know God promised to provide the power you need for it through His Holy Spirit? The…
How God Speaks to Men through Men
It takes a man to teach a man how to be a man. Jesus knew this. That’s why He gave us such a highly reproducible model of the way He taught men, and the Apostle Paul totally got the message—we need equippers. Join us as we explore Paul’s explanation of the crucial role equippers play in God’s…
How God Speaks to Men through our Circumstances
If you are a father, you know how much you pray, hope, and even ache for the wellbeing of your children in every area—their faith, relationships, emotions, career, finances, health, sense of identity and purpose, ability to overcome destructive behaviors or conquer loneliness, and so much more. That’s what our heavenly Father wants for His…
How God Speaks to Men Through Sovereignty
There’s a certain reassurance in watching the steady rise and fall of the ocean’s tides, isn’t there? The rhythm reminds us that, no matter how unpredictable life feels, something greater is holding it all together. In the same way, the sovereignty of God—His supreme authority and control over all things—offers us a profound comfort. Although…
Leading an Unexamined Life
The Big Idea: It is for a lack of discipleship that men lead unexamined lives. We all want the same things–something we can give our lives to that will make a difference, someone to share our lives with, and a belief system that makes sense of why life is so hard. Christianity and secularism both…
Significance: The Search for Meaning and Purpose
The Big Idea: The Rat Race is the conflict between who I am created to be and who I am tempted to be. The proverbial questions of the rat race–“What’s it all about?” and “Is this all there is?”–have tortured us all at one time or another. So let’s kick off this new series by…
Purpose: Why Do I Exist?
The Big Idea: I will feel most alive, most useful, and most significant when I am doing what God created me to do. It’s just a fact of life. Most men don’t know their purpose in life, or their purpose is too small. Sincerely ask a man, “What is the purpose of your life?” and…
Decisions: How To Make The Right Choice
The Big Idea: The goal is always to bring my will into alignment with God’s will. Most of us will only make a handful of truly major decisions in the course of a year. “Do I change jobs, move, get married, have children, take on a personal ministry, buy a car, lower my lifestyle,” and…
The Big Idea: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. The Bible says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” But what about feeling proud of our son’s grades or getting a promotion? Is that wrong? Actually, that’s a different kind of pride–let’s call it Pride Type I. Pride Type II, on…
The Desire to be Independent
The Big Idea: Don’t “make” it happen, “let” it happen. Men want to be in charge–to call their own shots. And God has given us a lot of freedom. But freedom is not the same thing as autonomy. Yet we’re all tempted to think we can be in control of our lives. It might be…
How Can a Man Change?
The Big Idea: Discipleship (food, water, friends) = Changed Life What is something you really want to change about your life, but haven’t been able to? You already know this, but if you could have made that change on your own, it would have happened by now. On the other hand, we’ve all watched men’s…
Faithfulness: The Quality that Earns Peoples’ Trust
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 7: Is there anything more refreshing than someone you can always count on to keep their word—or get back to you if they can’t? Easily the most frustrating part of my 40-year career has been people who repeatedly make promises they don’t keep. When they tell me what they’re…
Patience: The Key to Wisdom & Contentment
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 4: Patience is a difficult virtue. It may require us to delay gratification or even to forgo resolution for the foreseeable future. Do you find yourself paying the price for hasty decisions? Or frustrated by unmet expectations: the promotion that hasn’t come, or the house that hasn’t sold? Patience…
Decluttering with the Spiritual Disciplines
A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 13: You ache for a more vibrant walk with God. You long for Jesus to take you deeper into the compassion of his own heart. That’s why you’re part of this Bible study. And you’ve made good progress! But you want more. “More” is why God has…
A Man and Stewardship
A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 10: Many of us are preconditioned to think “money” when we hear the word stewardship. Such a pity! The biblical concept of stewardship is so much more all-encompassing, optimistic, and personally fulfilling. Join Patrick Morley for 7 practical, biblical insights that can help you manage money and…
A Man and Counsel
A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 7: Have you ever made a bad decision with the best of intentions? Maybe the right way seemed obvious, or you felt some pressure to make a quick choice, or you just received some bad advice. But in retrospect you realize it wasn’t a wise call. Cultivating…
A Man and the Sabbath
A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 5: Are you tired? Do you have a lingering feeling something isn’t quite right? If so, you are not alone. Many men suffer from a malady we might call “rest interval dysfunction.” Join Patrick Morley and learn how the spiritual discipline of Sabbath might be just the…
A Man of Integrity Who Keeps His Word
The Wisdom of James, Episode 21: What do you think when you hear news from Harvard, Mayo, or the Cleveland Clinic? What would you think if the same news came from Putin, China, or North Korea? Truth-telling and promise-keeping create a powerful brand, do they not? Whether we’re signing a contract, exchanging wedding vows, setting…
Hope for Men Who Need More Patience
The Wisdom of James, Episode 20: Losing your patience is like pulling the pin on a hand grenade. To appreciate the value of patience, we need look no further than the damage and loss impatience has inflicted on our marriages, children, other family, friends, or co-workers. What’s driving you crazy? Join Patrick Morley as we dig…
Getting Control of Your Tongue
The Wisdom of James, Episode 14: No one really wants to be a jerk. But what comes out of our mouths can just as easily burn the house down as build it up. Whether we say things we shouldn’t out of pain, pride, selfish ambition, lack of empathy, or for whatever other reason, we’re not…
How to Make a Wise Decision
The Wisdom of James, Episode 15: A group of teenagers was asked, “What’s the most important issue you face?” One said, “When you boil everything down, it’s really about how to make good decisions.” The other fourteen boys approvingly nodded their heads in agreement. James explains the difference between God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom. Join…
Can Your Tongue Be Tamed?
The Wisdom of James, Episode 9: We all put our foot in our mouth all the time. But sometimes we lose control and say things we regret. Some of those things can’t be undone. Unsurprisingly, the Bible explains the problem and gives the pathway to success. Join Patrick Morley and learn God’s way to tame…
The REAL Man in the Mirror
The Wisdom of James, Episode 8: Let’s put this to rest right now. Patrick Morley didn’t name his book or ministry after a Michael Jackson song. In the book of James, there are two types of men who look in the mirror: one who deceives himself into thinking he’s living a godly life, and one…
Why Do I Sin?
The Wisdom of James, Episode 5: Temptation. We’ve all faced it. You’ve been tempted to lie avoid getting in trouble. You’ve been tempted to cheat to get ahead or pay lower taxes. You’ve been tempted to gossip, hold a grudge, or to think you’re better than someone. Why do we sin? Is it a test?…
The Strong and Happy Man
The Wisdom of James, Episode 4: “Happiness is a serious problem!” Talk show host Dennis Praeger makes that point abundantly clear in his book by that name. Many Christian men are not happy and do not know how the Gospel can make them happy. In our text for today, James teaches us what the strong…
A Kingdom Perspective: Pride and Humility
The Wisdom of James, Episode 3: We all deal with pride—for some, it’s a minor conflict, for others, it’s a major battle. Pride is an issue facing every man. You and I can overcome it with the right mindset and perspective. That’s where James helps us. He gives us a Kingdom perspective. Join Jim Angelakos and…
The Surprising Link Between Wisdom and Faith
The Wisdom of James, Episode 2: Have you ever had a time in your life when you just weren’t sure what you should do? That lack of clarity can be terrifying as you bounce between options, worried that you will make the wrong decision and pay the consequences. Planting our feet firmly in faith, we…
Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First
God’s plan has always been for the spiritually mature to pass on their wisdom and experience to the next generations. Who better to show us how than Paul, and what better advice than his last letter to Timothy? Join Patrick Morley as we dive into Paul’s first piece of advice to Timothy, why it’s so…
What You Gain Through Reflection
So far in this series Paul has told Timothy—and by extension, us—many “things.” Now, says Paul, it’s time to reflect and seek insight into these things. Who doesn’t want more spiritual insight? Yet we often miss the spiritual connections that are present in the common details of everyday life. How do we solve that problem?…
Who Is This Jesus?
We live in a culture less and less familiar with Jesus. It seems that first century Ephesus was equally unfamiliar with who Jesus is. The role, humanity, and deity of Christ was something Paul wanted Timothy to remember. It was the core of Christianity back then, and it’s the core of our faith today. We can’t…
How To Live Clean in a Dirty World
The church has always been a mixed bag of people. Some get swept up with the false teachings and broken promises of secular leaders, while others cleanse themselves of those things to be set apart, useful and prepared for the special purposes of God. Join Jeremy Schurke as we continue our study “Passing The Torch:…
The Core Affections of the Heart
Some would have you believe that different generations are now hopelessly out of touch with each other. But that’s just nonsense. Cultures change, but the core affections of the human heart never change. We all want the same things and have the same struggles. That’s why any man—from eighteen to eighty—can read the book of…
A Man’s Pilgrimage in the 21st Century
From Abraham to Israel to Jesus, Scripture is filled with pilgrimage stories. For centuries, Christians have embarked on reoccurring pilgrimages that formed the roads of Western Europe and birthed modern towns centered around Christian relics. Good morning, everybody. How are y’all feeling? How y’all doing? Great, great to hear. Well, I’m back again and we’re…
PURPOSE: You Were Made for This!
What are you willing to give your life to? Not, what would you die for, but rather, what do you live for? Why are you here? The world gives us two rubrics for our purpose: build something—like wealth, reputation, or status; or find happiness—through comfort, affluence, or convenience. But ultimately, the world’s perspective leads nowhere. It’s like…
IDENTITY: 5 Things You Get to Say About Yourself
Jeremy Schurke kicked us off in week one with a stirring yet optimistic and hopeful portrait of the troubled road ahead for biblical manhood. Next, we turn our attention to the specific issues that have many men flummoxed, frustrated, anxious, and angry. First up is your identity. Who are you, really? Join Patrick Morley on…
Cultivating a Sensitivity to the Voice of the Spirit
None of us want to walk around angry, mean, sad, anxious, impatient, unfaithful, snarky, or out of control. But that’s exactly what happens when we’re not in step with the Holy Spirit. Unless and until we fully understand how to stay in step with the Spirit, we will always be overly vulnerable to the voices…
Why is Building So Important?
What does it mean to build? Do you think of skyscrapers or assembling a project? What if I told you that what you build depends on the way you carry yourself before others? Throughout our days, we never know who is watching us, but yet, we have a responsibility to them. Join Khayree Pender to discover why…
You Can Make an Amazing Contribution!
Does the world make you mad? That would not be surprising because the world is trying to get inside your head. But God wants to get inside your head too. Join Patrick Morley as he shows you how God wants to empower you to make an amazing contribution! If you’re not already in a group,…
The Role of Prayer in Making Good Decisions
What is a major decision facing you right now, and how will you go about making the right choice? It could be about your work and career, your marriage and home life, the education of your children, how to restore a broken relationship, how to handle a health issue, or any of dozens of other…
A Foolproof Guide to a Righteous Life
There are many persuasive leaders and teachers out there. Amazon is full of books on successful business and self-help books. You can watch hundreds of 18 minute TED talk videos to learn secrets of influence, management, psychology, and even the right way to tie a shoe. But these authors, speakers and professors can’t teach you…
Created to Conquer If…
Do you ever catch yourself walking with your head hung low or defeated by the results of an attempt? Do you find yourself letting those feelings stop you from pursuing other dreams? When you reflect over your life, do you every think to yourself, there is no need to try, I will just be rejected? What…
The Believer’s Struggle With Sin
Why do you still struggle with sin, and what can you do about it? That’s what we’re going to conclusively nail down in this study. Join Pat Morley and discover how to handle temptation and sin in light of this truth: while sin is part of the normal Christian experience, you are not the villain in…
How Is Your Life Going So Far?
Do you know Christians who are disappointed with how their life has turned out so far? Are you disappointed? Many men have not yet grasped what it means to live under grace rather than law. They are still a slave to the power of sin, rather than living under the reality of grace. Although they’re…
The Advantages of Faithfulness
Are there truly any benefits to being faithful? Can we all agree that remaining faithful can get frustrating? That frustration leads us to not being fully committed or bargaining to make things fit our personal standards. Join Khayree Pender as he helps us answer the question: What haven’t we been faithful in? And then encourages…
What’s Going On Inside Your Head?
Colossians 2:8, Romans 8:5-8, John 8:44, John 14:26, Proverbs 4:23 We all know we have a running conversation with ourselves. But it’s not just “self-talk.” We’re not the only voice in the conversation! Altogether, there are four “other” voices constantly exerting themselves to shape what we think, say, and do. Not all of them are…