68 Words That Guarantee Marriage Success [Pat Morley]
The Big Idea: Father, I said till death do us part, I want to mean it. Help me to love you more than her and her more than anyone or anything else. Help me bring her into your presence today. Make us one like you are three in one. I want to hear her, cherish…
Finding Respect and Honor at Home
The Big Idea: The turning point of our lives is when we stop seeking the God we want, and start seeking the God who is. Imagine the doctor just told you, “I’m sorry, but you only have five weeks to live.” What would be important to you? What would you want to do, and with…
Finding a New Best Friend in Your Wife
The Big Idea: After God, but before all others, make your wife your top priority. What is your wife’s greatest need? What does it look like to be your wife’s best friend? These are questions we’ll be answering in this message. PLUS you’ll walk out with some very practical “deposits” you can immediately start making…
Resilient Marriage
Do men really lead their wives and families any more or do wives do most of the family leadership? In a world that’s growing progressively against Christian themes, how can our marriages last and make a difference? Dr. Pete Alwinson continues 1st Peter and talks about how Gospel-produced resilient marriages are more powerful and impactful…
Habit #4: Spiritually Happy Men Pray With & For Their Wives
The Big Idea: Praying with my wife brings the Greatest Power in the universe into my most important earthly relationship. Prayer is powerful. It puts us in a conversation with the perfect Father who loves you more than anyone ever could, and has more power than anyone you could ever know. So it makes sense…
Habit #2: Spiritually Happy Men Are in a Small Group
The Big Idea: The Rat Race is the conflict between who I am created to be and who I am tempted to be. The proverbial questions of the rat race–“What’s it all about?” and “Is this all there is?”–have tortured us all at one time or another. So let’s kick off this new series by…
I Married a Woman I Couldn’t Change
The Big Idea: I let you be you, and you let me be me. If you knew then what you know now, would you still get married? Some might say, no. But for the vast majority of us the answer is, yes. But we’d also like some help figuring out what to do about those…
Holy Sex
The Big Idea: A husband needs to be loved physically so he can love emotionally, and a wife needs to be loved emotionally so she can love physically. As a man, is there anything you daydream about more than sex? Probably not. So why did God make us this way? Why do we even want…
Phony Sex
The Big Idea: Sex is too dangerous to be played with and to sacred to be exploited. How do we treat sex the way God wants us to when we live in a sex-saturated and sex-perverted culture? Actually, the culture of the New Testament was not really all that different from ours. So how did…
The Ministry of Giving a Nudge
The Big Idea: Just help a man go as far as he wants to go toward Jesus at that moment. We’ve been learning that reaching men is pretty much doing what we do every day, but with a view to building intentional spiritual friendships. So let’s say you’ve had that cup of coffee, helped a…
Jesus’ Faithfulness to His Friends
The Big Idea: Jesus will keep on showing up. That’s what he does. Even after he died, Jesus just keeps on showing up. If the disciples thought they were sharing a hallucination, Jesus repeated appearances should convince them that he is really alive! Jesus always shows up – if you’re super emotional like Peter, a…
First Things First: Restoring Confidence
The Big Idea: Even if I die, God is still in control. We’ve all lost confidence in leaders because we think they let us down—whether a boss, pastor, or elected official. That’s to be expected. You may have even been the leader who went through, or is going through, such a crisis. But what if…
Rock Solid Men – Do Everything In Love
The Big Idea: Grace means we are loved even when we don’t deserve it. Grace means we can love even when others don’t deserve it. When Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, he was frustrated with them. He had spent a long time building the church, but in his absence they were acting like they…
Exactly How Much Does Jesus Love You, And So What?
The Big Idea: Jesus wants a relationship with you that mirrors His relationship with the Father. We all know that Jesus loves the world. Awesome. But how does that love get split up? How much of it is set aside for you personally? You may find the answer surprising! Come see and experience for yourself…
Jesus: The Principle of Building Relationships
The Big Idea: The most powerful force in the world is a relationship. Men will do for love what they will do for no other reason. Jesus understood that the most powerful force in the world is a relationship. He made building unbreakable bonds with a few men the core of His strategy. It was…
How To Love The Way God Wants Us To Love
The Big Idea: God will never ask you to do something that He will not also give you the power to do. We all know what God wants most is for us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We are to love Him with no reserves–the totality of our being,…
The Extravagant Generosity of God
The Big Idea: Jesus wants you to make sure everyone knows they’re invited. Jesus wants to make sure you know something: Everyone is invited to the party, and he’s counting on you to deliver the invitation. But what if someone is unwilling to respond? They’re still invited. Disinterested? They’re still invited. Hostile toward Christianity? They’re…
What Can We Do To Help Men Act Like Men?
The Big Idea: The best way to help men act like men is to help the church act like the church. No doubt you’ve been on the receiving end of men behaving badly. In the world, it’s to be expected. But as we all know, many Christian men behave badly too. Why is that, and…