The Secret of Job Contentment
The Big Idea: The secret of job contentment is not getting what I want, but redefining what I need. What do you want from your job, and are you getting it? It turns out that most men are not content in their work. In fact, according to Gallup’s 2013 “State of the American Workplace” report,…
Priorities: How To Decide What’s Important
The Big Idea: Priorities help me manage the pressures that would otherwise manage me. We are all under a lot of pressure. Work pressures, marriage pressures, parenting pressures, money pressures, health pressures. Taking some time for yourself sounds good, but then who’s going to meet that deadline? How do you decide? You have far more…
Time Management: Doing God’s Will
The Big Idea: Move from “Plan, then pray” to “Pray, then plan.” Each of us wants to lead a productive life. God wants that too. “Producing a crop” is a big part of His will for us. Yet adding a bunch of rules and regulations to “make it happen” doesn’t really help much, does it? …
The Big Idea: Faith in the promises of God will render fear impotent, even if our circumstances don’t change. Everyone struggles with fear: What if this deal falls through? Will she ever feel safe with me again? Will I be able to make payroll? Is it cancer? How am I going to pay my mortgage?…
The Big Idea: I pledge not to sin when I get angry, but openly confess I can’t do it on my own. Studies show that 75 – 90% of all doctor’s office visits are stress-related, and the most destructive form of stress is anger. Anger is not a sin–Jesus got angry, but anger can easily…
Avoiding Suffering
The Big Idea: Suffering compels us to seek the God success makes us think we don’t need. What is making you suffer? Do you think God knows what you’re going through? If He knows, does He care? If He knows and cares, can He do anything about it? And if He can, why doesn’t He?…
Leading a Secret Thought Life
The Big Idea: I will make it my ambition to live “one life, one way.” Most of us would be embarrassed if our families, friends, or colleagues knew what went on inside our heads. Here’s the good news: You’re not crazy. A secret thought life is normal. However, you can live your “invisible” life in…
Peace: Before, During, and After Storms
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 3: You are worried about the future. Anxious. Afraid. Upset. And for good reason. If something doesn’t break your way—and soon—your world is going to fall apart. Or the storm has already hit and your world has fallen apart. You’re stressing about what comes next. How will it all…
Joy: No Matter What
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 2: Common sense and our own experience tell us that it’s much harder to feel joy when you’re in pain—whether it’s a chronic or life-threatening illness, betrayal, a broken relationship, financial calamity, or an existential crisis. But God offers a transcendent joy that does not depend on our circumstances. That’s…
When Wealth Drives You to Bankruptcy
The Wisdom of James, Episode 19: Do you have a healthy view of money? James has some strong warnings for anyone in the church with an immoral view of wealth. Their behavior reveals their affections: they worship wealth accumulation above God. And the consequences are dire. Just like the Fed, each of us has our…
Facing Trials of Many Kinds
The Wisdom of James, Episode 1: We all face trials of many kinds—a relationship going sideways, a natural disaster, acute pain, a short-term crisis, a chronic struggle. Whatever you’re facing, you and I can endure almost anything if we think it has a purpose. That’s where James can help us. He gives us the reason…
You Call THAT Suffering?
Amid all this supposed freedom and material prosperity, we see a pervasive angst in our culture—a cosmic dread that looms in the lives of people. We are engulfed in fears, anxieties, doubts, and all sorts of questions. In the middle of our search to understand it all, we need someone to come alongside and walk…
How to Handle Controversy
Do you ever feel like you are surrounded by a sea of endless controversy? Political, social, and religious controversies swirl around us, drawing us into arguments and counterarguments. Once confined to the dinner table with your wacky relatives, social media has given a platform to anyone who wants to start an ill-informed opinion battle over…
Yes, You Will Be Persecuted
In many parts of the world, persecution is epic, life-threatening, and biblical in scale. Fortunately, because of religious freedom, American Christians are more likely to be canceled than arrested, or to lose their job than their life. What is persecution? Should you expect it? How should you proceed if persecuted for your faith? Verses referenced…
Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering
There’s suffering, and then there’s suffering. Your favorite team might suffer a loss. You might have to suffer through your kid’s piano recital. Or I might feel like the summer heat in Florida is insufferable. But these are truly temporary afflictions. There is a deeper and more soul-testing suffering that comes when your life will truly never…
Hope and Trust in a World of Conflict
Are you worried about what will happen in the days and weeks ahead. Are you struggling to make decisions about masks, vaccinations, school or your job? Does the world just seem a little overwhelming right now with wars, pandemics, and politics. The gospel shows a way of peace and calm in turbulent times. Join Brett…
Answers to Your Questions About Suffering
The world is awash in suffering: affliction, disease, death, hatred, war, anguish, trouble, sin, and tribulation of every kind. We all feel the weight of suffering’s emotions—distress, grief, sadness, anxiety, depression, worry, pain, and sorrow. Suffering is inevitable. Where are you suffering right now? For you it could be a broken relationship, a family issue,…
God’s Plan for Healing a Nation
These are troubled times, and the issues facing us cannot be left unaddressed. But these are hardly the worst times our nation has seen. Not even close. In this lesson Patrick Morley will help you gain or regain a sense of perspective. You will be reminded about the heart of God and His divine plan…
When it Feels Like Your Sufferings Never End
There’s a lot of groaning going on these days. And for good reasons. Wouldn’t it be nice if after becoming a Christian you could apply for asylum in an idyllic country where pain and suffering of every kind was abolished? Sign me up, right? But in fact, the opposite is true—and sometimes it can feel…
No Matter What Happens, You Can Always Rejoice
Everyone admires a man who can handle tough times as well as he enjoys the good times. Maybe you are that man, or maybe you would like to be. In this message, Pat will show you Paul’s prescription to handle whatever life throws at you. The promise is that no matter what happens, you can…
The World vs. The Word
Ephesians 2:1-3; 1 John 2:15; John 1:1-5,14; Habakkuk 1:9-11; Matthew 13:22,16:24-26; Ecclesiastes 2:24-26, 5:10-11; Luke 12:22-34; 1 Timothy 6:17 Are you a little down right now? Frustrated with your life, or even feeling ashamed of what you have or haven’t accomplished? You may be listening to the voice of the world in your head. Wrapped…
The Four Voices for Broken Men
We are all broken, each of us wounded and scarred in our own way. The possibilities for why are endless: poor self-esteem, self-importance, unhealthy distrust of people, paralyzed by fearful and anxious emotions, hypersensitive to negative cues, prickly and “always ready” to defend yourself, caring too much about what people think or not caring enough,…
The Way Forward
How do you adjust when everything you had assumed is in shreds? Your job, your finances, your friendships, even your assumptions about yourself have gone sideways. You know you can’t sit in hopelessness and despair. You have to keep going. Join Brett Clemmer as he looks at the story of the women going to the…
The Heartbeat of a Citizen
Mathew 4:23-5:16 Times are full of tumult and anger. The frustrations of injustice, economic difficulty and widespread sickness are bubbling over. Almost nobody really feels like the “systems” are working. This was the world Jesus walked in, and it’s the world we live in today. Join Brett Clemmer as he shares how we can avoid…
Recovering from the Biggest Crisis of Your Life
1 Samuel 30 You’ve been through a lot, and now this. Are you prepared? And are you prepared if it gets even worse? David killed Goliath and became a national hero. But then the bottom fell out. For the next decade, David’s life was a nightmare that kept getting worse. It was so bad that…
Trusting Through Turmoil
2 Kings 4:1-7 We are all facing difficult situations and find ourselves in a place that most of us have never seen before. As we face this pandemic some of us may be looking for resources, exhausted our resources or simply waiting to see when it will all be over. Whichever your reality is today,…
Here’s Some Courage for the Next Few Months
Joshua 1:1-9 The next few months are going to be hard. Even if you’re personally in good shape, you’re still going to be caught up in a lot of hardship and disaster until, with God’s help, we conquer this pandemic. Whether you’re just trying to survive or hoping to thrive, it’s going to take courage…
How You Can Conquer Coronavirus Worry
Matthew 6:25-34 People are worried. And why wouldn’t they be? Like a granite fist from the heavens, the coronavirus has delivered a staggering gut punch to the entire world. “Stay at home until further notice.” “Work from home, and school your children while you’re there.” “I’m sorry but we have to let you go.” “I…
When It Seems Like Jesus Shows Up Too Late
John 11 Your brother, Lazarus, is sick and dying. Your sister, Mary, is emotional. You’re just trying to hold it together. And the one person you are CONVINCED can solve the problem, the healer, seems to be taking his sweet time getting there. And then…it’s too late. Have you had times in your life when…
Men, Mentors & Mental Health (John Crossman)
Matthew 8:5-13; Galatians 5:22-23 This is the kickoff of the Launch Series, with six powerful stories from successful leaders to help you face life’s changes and challenges. John Crossman, CEO of Crossman & Company will be speaking about Men, Mentors and Mental Health. John uses his Christian faith and Biblical principles to guide his business…
Strength & Struggles
Ephesians 6:12, Habakkuk 3:19, 2 Timothy 1:7 Strength and struggles are things that we deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes it may feel like we don’t have an active role but they are constantly wrestling. When we look at strengths, we can honestly say that we rely on them to help us get a…
In Times of Trouble, the Rock Solid Man Stands
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 What happens to you when you face struggle, hardship or pain? If your foundation isn’t solid, you’ll stumble and fall. A Rock Solid Man stands firm when the troubles of life hit you. Over the past six sessions we have seen what the Scripture has to say about living like a rock…
On Those Days When You Feel Like Giving Up
Matthew 26:31-35, 56, Ephesians 1:11-14, 1 Peter 5:6-11 Last week we said, “everyone is wounded” and looked at how we can help them. But what about when you’re the one who’s wounded? Part of doing something great with your life is knowing how to keep your composure and stay the course when times are tough.…
What Makes Your Heart Beat Fast and Puts a Smile on Your Face?
Romans 8:20-23, 2 Corinthians 4:7-11, 1 Corinthians 12:7-27, 7:17-24, John 15:8-17, Matthew 5:14-16 Where do you see our community groaning for relief? Maybe it’s the battle to save families raging in neighborhoods across the city—your neighborhood. Maybe it’s for people slipping through the cracks. Maybe it’s for your peers who need Jesus. Maybe it’s an…
For Those Days When You Feel Disappointed With God
Ecclesiastes 9 We’re all asking the same questions. Will my dream come true? Will I lead a meaningful life? Will I be respected? If applicable, will my marriage be good? Will it last? If applicable, will my children turn out well? Will we have a good or a bad relationship? Will I have enough money…
You Can’t Know The Future, So Where Does That Leave Us?
Ecclesiastes 8 Solomon wanted to discover what is worthwhile for us to do during our days on earth. In Ecclesiastes he’s teaching us what he found. So far he has discovered that God makes good times and bad times, and we can’t know what the future will bring our way, or when. So where does…
Solomon’s Wisdom for Whatever Has You Worried
Ecclesiastes 7 “Whatever happened to the good old days?” Solomon doesn’t want you to pine for the past. But that’s not all! He doesn’t want you to worry about the present or the future either with questions like: How can I force this order to happen? How can I get this woman to marry me?…
This Bad Thing Could Easily Be The Best Thing That Ever Happens To You
John 11 What is the bad thing that is weighing you down? Does it feel like a problem without a solution? Does your situation seem hopeless? That’s certainly how the man in this story felt. Born blind, a beggar, so inconsequential the story doesn’t even mention his name! Yet out of this story emerges a…
Overtime: Suffering & Does He Know? Does He Care? Can He Do Anything About It?
1 Peter 4:12-5:11, Various The problem with pain and suffering is that it really, really hurts. And we all have them—physical, financial, family, work, emotional, and psychological pains. Some are self-inflicted, but other appear random. Could that be true? Suffering raises these profound questions about God: Does he know what I’m going through? If he…
Session 2: Life Balance & How To Be Faithful With Everything Entrusted To Me
1 Corinthians 4:2, Matthew 22:37-40, John 14:15, 21, 23, Philippians 2:13 James is stressed and out of whack. He’s giving the best of himself to the people who appreciate him the least. We’ll lay out the challenge for James to get his life in balance and, in the process, cover what it takes for each…
Why Does The Bible Teach Us To Be Joyful In Suffering?
1 Peter 4:12-19, Romans 5:3-5, James 1:2-4, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Romans 8:18-23, Psalm 118:24, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Psalm 119:67-75, 2 Corinthians 11:23-30 Suffering is part of the deal. Fortunately, the Bible doesn’t try to pretend suffering doesn’t hurt or that it’s something good. But the Bible does teach us to be joyful when we’re suffering.…
Where is God When I am Suffering?
Big Idea: Suffering will force you to change your perspective (or at least examine it). 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 When we suffer, we often ask the question, “Who is to blame for my suffering?” And we might answer, “Someone has wronged me.” Or, “I have caused my own suffering.” Or even, “God has either caused my suffering…
What Can You Do When the “Wow” Wears Off?
The Big Idea: What one bottleneck, if removed, will most accelerate you toward your goal? A lot of people were genuinely enthusiastic when you first shared your vision. They, too, shared the ache of your burden. So they joined your movement, and you got started with a big bang. The early wins were intoxicating. But…
It’s Going to Be A Battle (But Jesus Wins)
The Big Idea: Fighting against sin allows Christ to do for us what we could never do for ourselves. Why do so many men seem to be living mediocre lives, trapped in complacency, addiction, and compromise? Why is it so easy for men to “just get along” being nice guys but not really living with…
Where Were You When the World Went Weird?
The Big Idea: Be a thermostat, not a thermometer. While we probably have many different opinions about how we got into the current situation, we can probably all agree that the world is getting a little crazy. It’s a weird time to be a Christian. Yet as we’ll see in 1st Peter, it has always…
Love on the Rocks: Navigating Struggles and Conflicts
The Big Idea: Communication will not resolve every conflict. But no conflict can be resolved without it. Life struggles can bring out the worst in marriage and dating relationships. Communication breaks down, feelings get hurt, and you just want to escape a painful situation. But in the worst of times, even when you don’t think…