Patience: The Key to Wisdom & Contentment
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 4: Patience is a difficult virtue. It may require us to delay gratification or even to forgo resolution for the foreseeable future. Do you find yourself paying the price for hasty decisions? Or frustrated by unmet expectations: the promotion that hasn’t come, or the house that hasn’t sold? Patience…
Love: The Glue and the Grease
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 1: Galatians 5:22-23 – “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” You’ve probably heard this passage read or taught before. It’s often presented as a list of attributes that Christians are supposed to…
A Man and a Small Group
A Man and a Small Group, Episode 6: Whether it’s a platoon, project team, or running club, you can see the power of small groups all around you. We were not meant to do life alone. But while we may fight, work, and exercise in groups, too many of us do our walk with Christ…
How to Handle Controversy
Do you ever feel like you are surrounded by a sea of endless controversy? Political, social, and religious controversies swirl around us, drawing us into arguments and counterarguments. Once confined to the dinner table with your wacky relatives, social media has given a platform to anyone who wants to start an ill-informed opinion battle over…
Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering
There’s suffering, and then there’s suffering. Your favorite team might suffer a loss. You might have to suffer through your kid’s piano recital. Or I might feel like the summer heat in Florida is insufferable. But these are truly temporary afflictions. There is a deeper and more soul-testing suffering that comes when your life will truly never…
Hope and Trust in a World of Conflict
Are you worried about what will happen in the days and weeks ahead. Are you struggling to make decisions about masks, vaccinations, school or your job? Does the world just seem a little overwhelming right now with wars, pandemics, and politics. The gospel shows a way of peace and calm in turbulent times. Join Brett…
The Way Forward
How do you adjust when everything you had assumed is in shreds? Your job, your finances, your friendships, even your assumptions about yourself have gone sideways. You know you can’t sit in hopelessness and despair. You have to keep going. Join Brett Clemmer as he looks at the story of the women going to the…
When Your Dreams Fail You
Genesis 37; Proverbs 27:10 Launch: Strategies to Build Your Career and Family continues with another powerful message. You’ve set a goal. Visualized your future. Worked as hard as you can to bring it to fruition. And it just…doesn’t happen. Whether you’ve crashed and burned in spectacular fashion, or watched your plans fizzle out, it is…
Lazarus Lessons
John 11 Have you ever had a friend who would risk everything for you? Someone who would jeopardize their own safety to help you? Someone who would do everything in their power to save you if necessary? That is a true friend, “one who is closer than a brother.” The Bible tells us about such…
Your Money or Your Life
Luke 12:13-34 “Do you have enough to retire?” Financial planning advertisements are full of messages cautioning us to save money, invest wisely, plan ahead—all so that we can retire comfortably. There is wisdom in planning ahead, Proverbs tells us. But what exactly are we saving for? God calls us to live a generous life—right now!…
Getting to the “Why”
Titus 3; Romans 13:1,5-7; 1 Peter 2:13-1; Ephesians 2:8-9 Every leader must learn how to motivate those he is called to lead. Telling people what to do will always be more effective when we help people understand why. The Christian life is no different. Paul tells Titus to call Christians to be good citizens, and…
The “Secret Sauce” of Leadership
Titus 2 We are surrounded by examples of bad leadership these days. Men and women who lack humility, morality and are more interested in being served than in serving. In the second chapter of Titus, Paul gives some specific instructions for all men—old and young—to have what it takes to live out the life of…
Titus: 1st Century Wisdom for 21st Century Leaders
Session 1: Actions Speak Louder Than Words Titus 1 Titus. Three chapters, three lessons. Brett Clemmer can’t wait to unpack with you the qualifications, actions, attitudes and lifestyle of the 21st century, every day leader. Why? Because you are a leader. Every man is, often in multiple areas of their life. What does it take to…
Your (Imperfect) Faith Is Enough
John 6:15-21; Matthew 14:24-33 How do you react when your faith is tested? Many of us start out feeling like, “I got this,” only to quickly wonder, “What was I thinking?” It can make you a little gun shy to take big risks for your faith. Peter probably had that exact feeling as he started…
Jesus is the Headliner
John 3:22-36; Genesis 24:27,34; 1 Cor. 4:17 John the Baptist’s disciples had a problem. Their boss was getting quite a lot of notoriety with his powerful message. Wherever he went, crowds gathered to listen to him challenge them to repent of their sins and look for the Messiah. But now, Jesus was beginning to get…
Jesus Knows You
John 2:18-25; 1:12, 6:64, 7:3-5, 16:30, 21:15-17 How many people really know you? Most of us are careful about what we let other people know about us. Whether we are afraid of what they would think of us if they knew certain things, or might even use it against us, men in particular tend to…
An Unexpected Messenger with an Unexpected Message
The Big Idea: Jesus is rarely who people expect him to be. John 1:14-28 Jesus’ arrival in the public eye was heralded by his wild cousin, John. Called “John the Baptist,” his rough exterior hid a profound understanding of exactly who Jesus was. Join us as we hear the first words publicly proclaimed about Jesus…
We’re Not Drunk! We’re Just Talking About Jesus!
The Big Idea: Just tell the story of Jesus and what he has done in your life. Acts 2:6-7, 13-40 Jesus is amazing. Following him makes sense. Everything about him screams: “Son of God! Savior! Messiah!” But the disciples had a problem that we still face today. If you haven’t experienced Jesus firsthand, the people…
Why Your Leadership Style Should Be Dying
The Big Idea: Servant leaders give their lives to helping others really live. Ephesians 5:25; Matthew 16:24-26; John 13:1-15 What makes a great leader? The world will tell you it’s about winning – achieving your own victory or helping others achieve it for themselves. But the hallmark of a servant leader is not winning, it’s…
Where is God When I am Suffering?
Big Idea: Suffering will force you to change your perspective (or at least examine it). 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 When we suffer, we often ask the question, “Who is to blame for my suffering?” And we might answer, “Someone has wronged me.” Or, “I have caused my own suffering.” Or even, “God has either caused my suffering…
Maintaining Your Integrity When Temptation Comes
Big Idea: When temptation comes, RUN. If it catches you, RESIST. If it defeats you, REPENT. If it gloats, REMEMBER the Gospel: “It is finished.” (REPEAT) James 1:13-15, Proverbs 15:31-33; 19:20, Genesis 3 Every man has faced temptation. Sometimes we succeed in resisting it and sometimes we fail, often at the expense of our integrity.…
Getting off the Financial Treadmill
BIG IDEA: The Simplest Financial Advice Ever: Learn to Say “No” Genesis 41 Are you caught “up in the cycle of never quite having enough?” Do you feel like the end of the money comes before the end of the month? If you’re tired of constantly trying to catch up, join Brett Clemmer as he…
A Puzzle Needs All Its Pieces
Big Idea: My mission is my unique fit into God’s people and plan. 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 No puzzle is complete until the last piece goes in. The picture is incomplete, unfinished. Likewise, the body of Christ is not complete without all of its pieces. Join us to learn why your contribution to Church is so…
Stewards of the Mysteries of God
The Big Idea: Your faith is screaming to be lived out! If you had the cure for cancer, would you keep it to yourself? If a person walked up behind you entering a building carrying a heavy box, would you let the door close on her? If a child in a store was 42 cents…
Cutting Through the Noise
Big Idea: You can hear God best when you intentionally create space for His voice in your life. John 15:1-11 God is talking. To you. And to me. It’s not always easy to hear Him. He is whispering, but that’s not why we can’t hear him. It’s not because He’s not talking loud enough, but because…
“Dad Class”: 3 Skills Every Dad Needs
The Big Idea: To become a master, an apprentice must be taught, shown, and held accountable. There is no “dad class” offered in school. For most men, learning to be a good dad requires a lot of “on-the-job training.” Join Brett Clemmer as he teaches a “dad class” and learn 3 practical keys to being…
Living a Hi-Fi Life
The Big Idea: Trust, integrity, love, and sacrifice are the hallmarks of a hi-fi relationship. High fidelity” is a reference to the lack of distortion and noise in an audio recording. In other words, the sound has integrity — it’s true to the original. Many relationships are undermined by a lack of fidelity. The noise…
6 Habits to Grow Your Faith
The Big Idea: Intentional spiritual habits will train your heart to instinctive godliness. During the Gospel Challenge, we have looked at 4 Ways to View the World, The 5 Types of Men (and Why They Need the Gospel), and this week, at 6 Habits That Will Grow Your Faith. Paul urged Timothy. “Train yourself for…
The Bible Guides Me
The Big Idea: The Bible guides me to truth. Every time. Do you feel like your life is full of questions that you don’t know how to answer and decisions you don’t know how to make? Where did we come from? What happens when I die? How do I love my wife better? How can…
Getting to the Heart of Discipline
The Big Idea: Godly discipline is: Heart-focused, Grace-based, and Future-minded. If you’re going to be a great dad, you’re going to have to provide structure, correction, guidance — in other words, discipline. Your own experiences as a child shape your attitudes towards discipline as an adult. How do we provide discipline to our children that…
Rock Solid Men – Do Everything In Love
The Big Idea: Grace means we are loved even when we don’t deserve it. Grace means we can love even when others don’t deserve it. When Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, he was frustrated with them. He had spent a long time building the church, but in his absence they were acting like they…