Mentoring Recap: The Indispensable Necessity of Connecting Men to Church
We’re finishing up our Mentoring Recap by bringing you another Bible Study from one of our most popular previous series. There are seven studies in the series, and you can see the rest of them on the Man in the Mirror Bible Study website. The Big Idea: A real man invests in his church, then…
Mentoring Recap: Getting a Man to Say Yes
We’re continuing our Mentoring Recap by bringing you another Bible Study from one of our most popular previous series. There are seven studies in the series, and you can see the rest of them here. The Big Idea: An intentional spiritual friendship is built over time. It’s a relationship, not a transaction. So how exactly…
Mentoring Recap: How One Cup of Coffee Can Change the World
Over the next three weeks we will be bringing you three Bible Studies from one of our most popular previous series. There are seven studies in the series, and you can see the rest of them here. The Big Idea: Discipleship is one man caring enough about another man to help him build a relationship…
Solomon’s Bad News Is Good News For Us!
Ecclesiastes 2 Do you know a man so frustrated over trying to find satisfaction and contentment that he hates his life? Solomon has a message for him—and all of us—that can spare us many sorrows. Join us as Patrick Morley walks us through Solomon’s bold experiments to find something worthwhile, a hopeful vision for a…
Abiding in the Father’s Presence (Ed Kobel)
John 10:10-11, John 15:1-5, Psalm 23:1 Launch: Strategies to Build Your Career and Family continues with a powerful message. At one time or another, most men realize they have a destructive habit in their life. What does it take to overcome those habits? Are you willing to do what it takes? Join Ed Kobel as…
Becoming The Man God Created You To Be
Primary: Luke 8:14-15, Hebrews 5:13-6:1 Also: James 1:2-4, Colossians 4:12, Philippians 3:13-17, Colossians 1:28, Ephesians 4:11-16 Every man who loves or wants to love God eventually finds himself hungry for a deeper, richer, more consistent experience with God. This hunger is attended by many cravings which this series will explore—e.g., feeling desperate for more of…
A Deeper Look into the Father’s Love
Psalm 139:1-18, Romans 8:15, John 17:23, Luke 15:20, 1 John 3:1 We all want to believe and trust that God really knows and cares about us personally, right? What hinders us from feeling that way, and what can we do about it? By the end of this session you will feel the joy of a…
A Shepherd and His Sheep
Hebrews 6:1; Colossians 1:15,19; Psalm 23; John 10:27-30; John 14:6 Once when I was a child, I got lost in a store. I wandered the aisles, my emotions moving from worry to distress to panic. And then I heard it: My dad’s voice. He heard me too and quickly scooped me up, dispelling my fears.…
How To Nurture YOUR Relationship With The Holy Spirit
John 14:26, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:15-16, 26-27, 1 Corinthians 2:2-5, Galatians 5:16-23, Ephesians 5:18 You’ve heard your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, right? What does the Holy Spirit do for us—for you—that only he can do? And what are the implications? Join Patrick Morley as he leads us toward a deeper understanding…
A Relationship with God That Doesn’t Depend on Human Success
Genesis 24, Matthew 25:14-30 Do you feel pressure to succeed, humanly speaking? Most of us feel like our relationships are contingent on the effort we put forth, the level at which we perform, or the results we produce. If you win, you’re in. But what does the Bible say about success? Join Patrick Morley as…
What Does it Look Like to Love God the Way He Wants to Be Loved?
Mark 12:28-34 When asked which commandment is the most important, Jesus didn’t hesitate. He said #1 is to love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. What does that mean—really? And has anyone ever loved God like that without dying of exhaustion? If so, what can we learn from them? What would…
A Definitive Guide to What You Can and Cannot Pray For
Luke 11:8, 1 John 5:14-15 Jesus says repeatedly, “If you need something just ask for it in my name.” So why is it that when we ask, sometimes we get what we pray for, but sometimes we don’t? Does prayer alter outcomes, or does it only align us with what God was going to do…
A Definitive Guide for Finding God’s Will
Matthew 3:35, Romans 12:2, 1 John 2:17 What is the major decision that has you stumped? We all want to know God’s will. Obviously. What if I told you that you can concretely know God’s will on every occasion? Does that sound like too big of a promise? Join us tomorrow morning and find out!…
The Faith of Moses: What You Can Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
Exodus 14 You really have no idea what you should do next. You are out of options. The walls are closing in. There’s nowhere left to turn. This is what the brink of destruction feels like. You’re sure that unless God Himself supernaturally intervenes with an overwhelming display of His power and glory, you’re toast.…
Functioning Through Faith
Luke 5:17-19, 2 Kings 5:1-15, Genesis 22:1-18 When it comes to faith, can we just be honest? It’s kind of like that awkward silence. Or, like that elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. But, here lies the problem—who’s going to address a 13,000-pound situation? Faith is unique because we are told to…
What Is Sabbath, Why Does It Matter, and How Do You Do It?
Genesis 2:2, Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Matthew 11:28, 12:1-14, Mark 2:23-28, Luke 5:15-16 You say to your primary care physician, “Doctor, I’m so tired on Mondays I can barely function.” After running the usual tests your doctor tells you, “All your labs came back normal. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks…
The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life
1 Corinthians 16:13-14, 1 John 4:7-16, John 15:1-17 Do you have Scriptures that make you dizzy? Hopefully you do! And hopefully after this lesson you’ll have a few more! Our main text is, “Do everything in love.” What does that mean, and look like in action? Join Patrick Morley and learn, or be reminded, how…
Strong Faith Strong Men (Pete Alwinson)
John 1:19 I NEED EVIDENCE! If you’re trying to prove your case you simply have got to have the facts, and that’s what we’ll be looking at this week. Strong men are made strong by truth which transforms. That’s the stuff of real manhood. Join our guest teacher Pete Alwinson. Below you’ll find three options for downloads…
Strength: Who Is In Your Foxhole?
1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10,12, Galatians 6:1-2, Ephesians 3:16, 6:10, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Are you in a strong place, or do you feel a bit puny? Or maybe a little bit of both depending on the area. Weak or strong, one thing is for sure: we will always be stronger together. In this lesson we…
Speaker Series Presents…Ed Kobel
Our special guest speaker Ed Kobel, President and COO of Debartolo Development, brings a story of his life and business; from successes and failures; and how relying on God helped him through it all. Join us as Ed talks about listening to the Holy Spirit and how it can impact your life today. Below you’ll…
Courage: The Clint Eastwood Effect
1 Corinthians 16:13-14; Joshua 1; Psalm 100:1-3 You’ve seen the movie: a band of outlaws is terrorizing a town until someone—usually a retired gunfighter seeking redemption—arrives to help the townspeople stick up for themselves. Suddenly, the meek and mild general store proprietor has a shotgun in his hands and says, “Not in my town, scumbag!”…
God’s Way to Stand Firm in the Faith
1 Peter 3:14-18, Romans 10:17, Matthew 22:29, 7:24-27, Hebrews 4:12 What is the problem God is trying to solve when he says, “Stand firm in the faith”? As much as we want to stay positive, almost every day has “I wish I didn’t have to go through this” moments. While we can’t escape the storms…
The Importance of Purpose with Special Guest Speaker John Rivers
We’re in a series about how to do something great with your life. The “twist” for the believer is that doing something great means becoming a servant. No one exemplifies that better than 4 Rivers Smokehouse founder John Rivers, our special guest speaker this week. John is a successful entrepreneur with a growing family of…
Speaker Series: John Rivers
Man in the Mirror Bible Study Speaker Series presents John Rivers, founder and CEO of 4Roots and 4R Restaurant Group. John has joined us at the 44th annual Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast to share his story—a model of how faith, passion, and calling come together. Please note that this message is only available via podcast/audio at…
How To Be An Outrageously Successful Disciple
1 Corinthians 4:1-2, Matthew 25:14, 21, 23 Can you give a good definition of “Christian success?” By the end of this lesson, you will have no doubt about the answer! It will be crystal clear in your mind. And you’ll have a GREAT way of explaining Christian success to others. PLUS, the Big Idea will…
It All Comes Down to This
Ecclesiastes 12 “Everything is meaningless. A chasing after the wind.” Unless you do this. Solomon has led us on a quest for wisdom and purpose throughout Ecclesiastes. The quest leads not so much to a place as to a way to live. If you are feeling overwhelmed with the stress of effort, expectation, and achievement,…
When You’re Feeling Stuck
Ecclesiastes 11 Sometimes the hardest part of success is just taking that first step. Maybe you’re waiting for the perfect conditions, or worried about the risks or just having trouble getting moving—you know what you need to do, your just not quite sure when or how. Join Brett Clemmer as he reveals Solomon’s eleventh secret to…
Strong Coffee for Men Intoxicated by the World
Ecclesiastes 1 No book in the Bible is more mysterious—or resonant—than Ecclesiastes. Who doesn’t identify with Solomon when he writes, “Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” Join Patrick Morley as we figure out why Solomon wrote it, what he discovered, and how it can help us lead more meaningful lives.Solomon’s Twelve…
Getting to the “Why”
Titus 3; Romans 13:1,5-7; 1 Peter 2:13-1; Ephesians 2:8-9 Every leader must learn how to motivate those he is called to lead. Telling people what to do will always be more effective when we help people understand why. The Christian life is no different. Paul tells Titus to call Christians to be good citizens, and…
Session 10: Sharing My Faith – Authentically Helping Others Change Their Lives
Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Romans 1:16, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, John 15:8, 16-17 Every man knows he should share his faith with others who do not know Christ. As one man said, “Sharing my faith scares and intimidates me.” But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t weigh on him. That’s why he and other men want to…
Session 9: Culture – The Role of a Christian Man in Our Current Culture
In a nutshell: Luke 10: 25-37, 12:9-14, also Matthew 7:24-27, 9:9-13, 7:15, 22:17-22, 13:24-30, 5:45, 5:23-24 Here’s a sample of the questions men are asking, “I want to be a Christian who makes a difference, but I don’t want to be belligerent about it. How can I engage with a rapidly vacillating culture? How can I…
The “Secret Sauce” of Leadership
Titus 2 We are surrounded by examples of bad leadership these days. Men and women who lack humility, morality and are more interested in being served than in serving. In the second chapter of Titus, Paul gives some specific instructions for all men—old and young—to have what it takes to live out the life of…
Titus: 1st Century Wisdom for 21st Century Leaders
Session 1: Actions Speak Louder Than Words Titus 1 Titus. Three chapters, three lessons. Brett Clemmer can’t wait to unpack with you the qualifications, actions, attitudes and lifestyle of the 21st century, every day leader. Why? Because you are a leader. Every man is, often in multiple areas of their life. What does it take to…
Session 3: Growth – Becoming a More Kingdom-Minded Man
Romans 12:2, Hebrew 4:12, 6:1-2, 10:25, 13:20-21, Colossians 1:24-2:3 Some men are not ready to grow, but what about those who are? What do they want? What do they need? How can they get it? Join us as Patrick Morley attempts the death-defying feat of trying to condense 32 years of teaching into a single…
Your (Imperfect) Faith Is Enough
John 6:15-21; Matthew 14:24-33 How do you react when your faith is tested? Many of us start out feeling like, “I got this,” only to quickly wonder, “What was I thinking?” It can make you a little gun shy to take big risks for your faith. Peter probably had that exact feeling as he started…
Why Did Jesus Miraculously Feed 5,000—If It Really Happened?
John 6:1-15 Do the miracles of Jesus make it easier or harder for you to believe? It seems logical that it would be easier to believe miracles if they were repeatable—for example, the feeding of the 5,000. But is that really true? Join Patrick Morley as we explore the driving force behind this miracle, its…
How You Can Easily Tell Anyone About Jesus [Patrick Morley]
John 4:27-38 All of us know we should share our faith openly and often. But it’s an easier idea to explain than execute! What can we do if we don’t feel qualified to introduce people to Jesus? Is there a workaround? The Holy Spirit has preserved the story of the woman at the well for…
Jesus is the Headliner
John 3:22-36; Genesis 24:27,34; 1 Cor. 4:17 John the Baptist’s disciples had a problem. Their boss was getting quite a lot of notoriety with his powerful message. Wherever he went, crowds gathered to listen to him challenge them to repent of their sins and look for the Messiah. But now, Jesus was beginning to get…
Why God DID NOT Send Jesus [Patrick Morley]
John 3:17-21, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, 5:9-13 The world’s already ugly enough without Christians piling on. But is that just an opinion? What does the Bible say? In this lesson we’re going to see that the world doesn’t need to be condemned (and you’ll clearly understand why). It needs to be saved. You may think, “Well,…
“Cryptic” Jesus Clarifies Our Message [Patrick Morley]
John 3:1-21, 20:30-31 I suspect we both would have liked Nicodemus. Jesus certainly did! Who do you really care about who, like Nicodemus, just can’t grasp or accept the whole “Jesus” thing? In this lesson we’re going to drill down on how we can simplify our mission with those people. Join Patrick MorleyJesus Unfiltered Session…
Jesus Knows You
John 2:18-25; 1:12, 6:64, 7:3-5, 16:30, 21:15-17 How many people really know you? Most of us are careful about what we let other people know about us. Whether we are afraid of what they would think of us if they knew certain things, or might even use it against us, men in particular tend to…
“Scary” Jesus Disperses Crowd at Shopping Mall [Patrick Morley]
John 2:12-17 EVERYTHING Jesus did then applies now. In today’s passage Jesus cracks a whip and clears out an emporium of merchants and bankers. They were just trying to help people get what they needed to make their offerings and sacrifices to God. So why the “scary” Jesus? What made him so upset? And how…
Can We Believe in Miracles [Patrick Morley]
The Big Idea: Miracles release faith, so boldly explain them—don’t explain them away. John 2:1-11 Many consider the miracles charming, antiquated myths. In fact, you yourself may find them somewhat embarrassing, or feel a need to explain them away. But without miracles—the virgin birth, the resurrection, walking on water, and turning water to wine—what’s left?…
An Unexpected Messenger with an Unexpected Message
The Big Idea: Jesus is rarely who people expect him to be. John 1:14-28 Jesus’ arrival in the public eye was heralded by his wild cousin, John. Called “John the Baptist,” his rough exterior hid a profound understanding of exactly who Jesus was. Join us as we hear the first words publicly proclaimed about Jesus…
Who is Jesus Christ? [Patrick Morley]
The Big Idea: The best person to answer questions about Jesus is Jesus. John 1:1-14, Colossians 1:15, 2:9, Hebrews 1:3, John 10:30, 14:6, 9 Jesus Christ is easily the most interesting, unique, revered, admired, worshiped, misunderstood, disrespected, ridiculed, and talked about man of all time. What we know about Jesus dwarfs what we know about…
We’re Not Drunk! We’re Just Talking About Jesus!
The Big Idea: Just tell the story of Jesus and what he has done in your life. Acts 2:6-7, 13-40 Jesus is amazing. Following him makes sense. Everything about him screams: “Son of God! Savior! Messiah!” But the disciples had a problem that we still face today. If you haven’t experienced Jesus firsthand, the people…
You Too Can Be Fired Up About Witnessing! [Patrick Morley]
The Big Idea: My motivation for outreach: I am so staggered by the love of Jesus that I can’t keep it in and be happy. Acts 1:8, 8:1, Matthew 9:36, 18:14, Mark 10:21, Luke 13:34, Luke 19:41, 1 Timothy 2:3-4, 2 Peter 3:9, Lamentations 3:33, Ezekiel 33:11, John 11:25-27 Bill Bright, founder of Cru, often…