Read Article ⟶: Priorities: How To Decide What’s Important
  • Priorities: How To Decide What’s Important

    Priorities: How To Decide What’s Important

    The Big Idea: Priorities help me manage the pressures that would otherwise manage me. We are all under a lot of pressure. Work pressures, marriage pressures, parenting pressures, money pressures, health pressures. Taking some time for yourself sounds good, but then who’s going to meet that deadline? How do you decide? You have far more…

  • Time Management: Doing God’s Will

    Time Management: Doing God’s Will

    The Big Idea: Move from “Plan, then pray” to “Pray, then plan.” Each of us wants to lead a productive life. God wants that too. “Producing a crop” is a big part of His will for us. Yet adding a bunch of rules and regulations to “make it happen” doesn’t really help much, does it? …

  • Pride


    The Big Idea: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. The Bible says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” But what about feeling proud of our son’s grades or getting a promotion? Is that wrong? Actually, that’s a different kind of pride–let’s call it Pride Type I. Pride Type II, on…

  • Fear


    The Big Idea: Faith in the promises of God will render fear impotent, even if our circumstances don’t change. Everyone struggles with fear: What if this deal falls through? Will she ever feel safe with me again? Will I be able to make payroll? Is it cancer? How am I going to pay my mortgage?…

  • Anger


    The Big Idea: I pledge not to sin when I get angry, but openly confess I can’t do it on my own. Studies show that 75 – 90% of all doctor’s office visits are stress-related, and the most destructive form of stress is anger. Anger is not a sin–Jesus got angry, but anger can easily…

  • The Desire to be Independent

    The Desire to be Independent

    The Big Idea: Don’t “make” it happen, “let” it happen. Men want to be in charge–to call their own shots. And God has given us a lot of freedom. But freedom is not the same thing as autonomy. Yet we’re all tempted to think we can be in control of our lives. It might be…

  • Avoiding Suffering

    Avoiding Suffering

    The Big Idea: Suffering compels us to seek the God success makes us think we don’t need. What is making you suffer? Do you think God knows what you’re going through? If He knows, does He care? If He knows and cares, can He do anything about it? And if He can, why doesn’t He?…

  • Integrity: What’s the Price?

    Integrity: What’s the Price?

    The Big Idea: I have far too much at stake to risk it by cutting any little corner anywhere, no matter how small, insignificant, or inconsequential it may at first appear. I want to be known for “scrupulous” integrity. What made men like Peter, Paul, David, Moses, Gideon, Samson, Jonah, and Job so different was…

  • Leading a Secret Thought Life

    Leading a Secret Thought Life

    The Big Idea: I will make it my ambition to live “one life, one way.” Most of us would be embarrassed if our families, friends, or colleagues knew what went on inside our heads. Here’s the good news: You’re not crazy. A secret thought life is normal. However, you can live your “invisible” life in…

  • Accountability: The Missing Link

    Accountability: The Missing Link

    The Big Idea: Accountability: To be regularly answerable to qualified people for each of the key areas of our lives. None of us ever planned to fail. So how do we get off track? What makes us stumble? And why do some of us even fall away? One of the biggest reasons is that we…

  • How Can a Man Change?

    How Can a Man Change?

    The Big Idea: Discipleship (food, water, friends) = Changed Life What is something you really want to change about your life, but haven’t been able to? You already know this, but if you could have made that change on your own, it would have happened by now. On the other hand, we’ve all watched men’s…

  • Faithfulness: The Quality that Earns Peoples’ Trust

    The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 7: Is there anything more refreshing than someone you can always count on to keep their word—or get back to you if they can’t? Easily the most frustrating part of my 40-year career has been people who repeatedly make promises they don’t keep. When they tell me what they’re…

  • The Goodness of God

    The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 6: In this week’s study of the fruit of the Spirit, we look at goodness. This is maybe the hardest quality to define from the list. Many people have many ideas of what is actually good. Before we can define goodness, we will first determine what and who is…

  • Speaker Series: Connor Jones

    Intimacy with God: Everything we do should flow from the overflow of our Savior, found in true, set-aside time with Him – scheduled, prioritized, but especially…yearned for! Amidst the pressures of life, it can be so hard to truly run to Jesus – and learn to stay there. It seems that there is always a…

  • Kindness: Much More than Just Being Nice

    The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 5: Obviously, it’s kind if you help an elderly woman put groceries in her car. But is it kind to: As you can see, kindness is so much more than just being nice. Join Patrick Morley and let’s recalibrate how we think about what kindness is and isn’t, take…

  • Peace: Before, During, and After Storms

    The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 3: You are worried about the future. Anxious. Afraid. Upset. And for good reason. If something doesn’t break your way—and soon—your world is going to fall apart. Or the storm has already hit and your world has fallen apart. You’re stressing about what comes next. How will it all…

  • Joy: No Matter What

    The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 2: Common sense and our own experience tell us that it’s much harder to feel joy when you’re in pain—whether it’s a chronic or life-threatening illness, betrayal, a broken relationship, financial calamity, or an existential crisis. But God offers a transcendent joy that does not depend on our circumstances. That’s…

  • Decluttering with the Spiritual Disciplines

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 13: You ache for a more vibrant walk with God. You long for Jesus to take you deeper into the compassion of his own heart. That’s why you’re part of this Bible study. And you’ve made good progress! But you want more. “More” is why God has…

  • Speaker Series: Brooks Cluxton

    A Man and His Dreams: Join former Rollins Basketball center, Brooks Cluxton, as he shares his adventure of chasing dreams. This 25-year-old aspiring financial advisor at Mosaic Wealth Management Group will share how God used dreams to transform his life. He’ll also discuss the unpredictable challenges he—and we—face along the way! Learn more about how…

  • A Man and Witnessing

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 12: Every day we rub shoulders with people who are lonely, confused, and afraid. Most of these people would love for someone—anyone—to take a personal interest in them in a loving, kind, nonjudgmental way. That’s how witnessing starts—just caring enough to care. There’s more to it, of…

  • A Man and Service

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 11:  Have you ever worked on a service project, gone on a mission trip, or served as a volunteer? How did it make you feel? It’s surprising how getting outside of your comfort zone and doing something that benefits others brings us surprising levels of joy and…

  • A Man and Stewardship

    A Man and Stewardship

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 10:  Many of us are preconditioned to think “money” when we hear the word stewardship. Such a pity! The biblical concept of stewardship is so much more all-encompassing, optimistic, and personally fulfilling. Join Patrick Morley for 7 practical, biblical insights that can help you manage money and…

  • Speaker Series: Pete Alwinson

    Judges – Why Men Need the King: Why do Christian men need a King? What happens when we do not follow a King? How does the Church continue in the many and changing eras of time? Join our guest speaker Pete Alwinson as we answer these and other questions. We’ll look together at the transfer of power from…

  • A Man and Spiritual Warfare

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 9: What comes to mind when you hear the phrase Spiritual Warfare? Intrinsically, we all sense that there is some sort of cosmic battle between good and evil playing out in front of us – and inside of us. It’s a battle as old as time, one…

  • A Man and Fasting

    A Man and Fasting

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 8: Do you need a breakthrough? Do you urgently need to hear from God? The discipline of fasting may help you find the answers you desperately need. Join Patrick Morley for a clearer picture of fasting—what it is, who it’s for, the benefits, when to fast, and…

  • A Man and Counsel

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 7: Have you ever made a bad decision with the best of intentions? Maybe the right way seemed obvious, or you felt some pressure to make a quick choice, or you just received some bad advice. But in retrospect you realize it wasn’t a wise call. Cultivating…

  • Pastor Series: Tim Iamaio

    Pastor Series – Tim Iamaio: Do you struggle with feeling like you always have to do more, like God is never pleased with you? Or maybe your struggle is that you know that God is pleased with you because of the blood of Christ, so there is nothing left for you to do? In the…

  • A Man and the Sabbath

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 5: Are you tired? Do you have a lingering feeling something isn’t quite right? If so, you are not alone. Many men suffer from a malady we might call “rest interval dysfunction.” Join Patrick Morley and learn how the spiritual discipline of Sabbath might be just the…

  • A Man and Prayer

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 4: Picture your wife, fiancé, girlfriend, children, a friend, or small group. Can you think of anything more important to those relationships than good communication? Conversely, can you think of anything that hurts those relationships more than a communications breakdown? Prayer is communication. Join Patrick Morley for…

  • A Man and Worship

    A Man and Worship

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 3: Can you worship God if you’re not in a church? What if singing doesn’t do it for you? Are there other ways to worship God? And precisely what is the purpose of worship? Join Patrick Morley for answers to these and other vital questions that can…

  • Why Are Kids So Lonely Today?

    Mirror Labs Report: The US Surgeon General has declared America is experiencing a loneliness epidemic. While this crisis is affecting everyone, inside and outside the church, it is especially detrimental to the lives of children. As a father of four and director of Mirror Labs, Jeremy Schurke is personally vested in understanding the root causes as…

  • A Man and Scripture

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 2: The Bible is the most unique and well-constructed collection of writings in human history. Its 66 books written across 15 centuries by 40 different authors draws a single story arc culminating with Christ’s return. It is the foundation for our faith and actions. Would you like…

  • A Man and Creation

    A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 1: Spiritual strength—like surgical skill or athletic excellence—requires training and practice. This new series will equip you with the habits you need to reflect honestly, pursue God wholeheartedly, and live vibrantly. Join Patrick Morley as we introduce the spiritual disciplines and answer: If you are already a…

  • Speaker Series: Michael San Filippo

    Speaker Series – Michael San Filippo: As International President of Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club, Michael has joined the Bible study this week to share how God is working through members of DCMC and in outlaw motorcycle clubs around the world. Join Brett Clemmer and Michael San Filippo for an interview-style discussion that reminds us that…

  • Saving a Wandering Soul

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 23: Have you ever had a friend who just stopped going to church? Maybe it was COVID, or a job change, or a dispute of some kind. Or maybe one day you realized that you hadn’t seen him for a while. James ends his letter with a strong call for…

  • Rethinking the Power of Prayer

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 22: Over the next five years you and your loved ones are going to experience the full gamut of sufferings, successes, sicknesses, and sins. What will give you the greatest likelihood of navigating those experiences with wisdom, humility, faith, healing, and power? Join Patrick Morley as we unpack how God…

  • A Man of Integrity Who Keeps His Word

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 21: What do you think when you hear news from Harvard, Mayo, or the Cleveland Clinic? What would you think if the same news came from Putin, China, or North Korea? Truth-telling and promise-keeping create a powerful brand, do they not? Whether we’re signing a contract, exchanging wedding vows, setting…

  • Hope for Men Who Need More Patience

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 20: Losing your patience is like pulling the pin on a hand grenade. To appreciate the value of patience, we need look no further than the damage and loss impatience has inflicted on our marriages, children, other family, friends, or co-workers. What’s driving you crazy? Join Patrick Morley as we dig…

  • When Wealth Drives You to Bankruptcy

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 19: Do you have a healthy view of money? James has some strong warnings for anyone in the church with an immoral view of wealth. Their behavior reveals their affections: they worship wealth accumulation above God. And the consequences are dire. Just like the Fed, each of us has our…

  • Two Secrets to Your Future Success

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 18: Who doesn’t dream about becoming successful and financially independent? Maybe it’s working for a stable company. Perhaps it’s becoming part of an innovative organization making a big difference in the world. Maybe it’s starting a business of your own. In this lesson, Patrick Morley will help you understand and…

  • Why You Shouldn’t Judge Your Brother

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 17:  Is there such a thing as “Christian cancel culture”? We see it in the world, but we would never expect to see it in the church, right? But some in the church can be just as critical of brothers they disagree with or who have strayed from righteous living,…

  • How To Dominate the World, Flesh, and Devil

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 16: You, or someone you love, have been ravaged by the world, the flesh, and/or the devil. You’re trying to pick up the pieces, but you/they keep getting dragged back down. Some people, however, learn how to dominate the forces that would dominate them. How does that happen? Join Patrick…

  • Getting Control of Your Tongue

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 14: No one really wants to be a jerk. But what comes out of our mouths can just as easily burn the house down as build it up. Whether we say things we shouldn’t out of pain, pride, selfish ambition, lack of empathy, or for whatever other reason, we’re not…

  • The Law of Love

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 12: We all agree with the concept of fairness. If someone suffers for doing wrong, they are getting what they deserve. But that’s not how the gospel works. And because of the gospel, that’s not how Christians are to live either. Join Brett Clemmer as we look at James’ continuing…

  • Pastor Series: Dr. Brian Pikalow

    Pastor Series – Dr. Brian Pikalow: Hidden within the Great Commandment is the most important skill for relating to others, whether you are leading, parenting, or simply building friendships. Join our guest speaker Dr. Brian Pikalow, associate pastor of Discovery Church, as he sheds light on this often overlooked and misunderstood skill. Please note that…

  • How to Make a Wise Decision

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 15: A group of teenagers was asked, “What’s the most important issue you face?” One said, “When you boil everything down, it’s really about how to make good decisions.” The other fourteen boys approvingly nodded their heads in agreement. James explains the difference between God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom. Join…

  • The Rules of the Road for Doing Good Deeds

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 13: Christians are peculiar. We feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and shelter the homeless. We are kind to strangers and forgive our enemies. But are these good deeds necessary for your salvation? And if you have faith but don’t do good deeds, does that mean you’re not going to…

  • Is Favoritism Always a Sin?

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 11: If I were to guess, I’d say you have personal preferences. You have favorites. You may have a favorite spot to fish, or a favorite restaurant to go to on Friday nights. You probably even have some friends that, dare I say it, you like better than others. Is…

  • Is It Enough to Be Spiritual But Not Religious?

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 10:  These days it’s common to hear, “I’m spiritual but not religious.” Perhaps you’ve said it yourself. Why do people want to distance themselves from religion? Certainly, it’s not to distance themselves from God. What, then, is the problem they’re trying to solve? And how can we help solve it?…

  • Can Your Tongue Be Tamed?

    The Wisdom of James, Episode 9: We all put our foot in our mouth all the time. But sometimes we lose control and say things we regret. Some of those things can’t be undone. Unsurprisingly, the Bible explains the problem and gives the pathway to success. Join Patrick Morley and learn God’s way to tame…