Career Guidance for Baristas, Bankers, Fathers, and Friends
An under-employed 28-year-old man confides in you, “I’m bored and restless. What’s the formula for finding work that satisfies?” What do you say? A hard-working-but-anxious man in his mid-30s asks you, “How can I make more money? I need to earn more money.” What do you say? A father of pre-teens asks you, “How do…
DATING, MARRIAGE & FAMILY: On Being a Baby Daddy
The world often encourages younger men to pursue their own happiness. When it comes to having a family—dating, marriage and fatherhood—there is a general sense of “do what’s best for you.” But what if I told you that the key to happiness in these important areas of a man’s life is not self-care, but sacrifice?…
PURPOSE: You Were Made for This!
What are you willing to give your life to? Not, what would you die for, but rather, what do you live for? Why are you here? The world gives us two rubrics for our purpose: build something—like wealth, reputation, or status; or find happiness—through comfort, affluence, or convenience. But ultimately, the world’s perspective leads nowhere. It’s like…
IDENTITY: 5 Things You Get to Say About Yourself
Jeremy Schurke kicked us off in week one with a stirring yet optimistic and hopeful portrait of the troubled road ahead for biblical manhood. Next, we turn our attention to the specific issues that have many men flummoxed, frustrated, anxious, and angry. First up is your identity. Who are you, really? Join Patrick Morley on…
Sleeping Giants: Millennials, Boomers, and the Future of Men in the Church
While popular culture exaggerates and exploits what divides the generations, Jeremy Schurke is passionate about bringing the generations together. As the pioneering leader of Mirror Labs, the R&D arm of Man in the Mirror, Jeremy is in the process of forming an inclusive network of leaders, thinkers, writers, researchers, and donors. Join Jeremy as he…
Cultivating a Sensitivity to the Voice of the Spirit
None of us want to walk around angry, mean, sad, anxious, impatient, unfaithful, snarky, or out of control. But that’s exactly what happens when we’re not in step with the Holy Spirit. Unless and until we fully understand how to stay in step with the Spirit, we will always be overly vulnerable to the voices…
Christianity Is Not Multi-Level Marketing
One of the most famous speeches ever given is found at the end of Matthew. “Go and make disciples…” it begins, and Christians and churches have been trying to follow this “Great Commission” ever since. But perhaps we’ve gotten a little bit off track. As core as “making disciples” is to the teachings of Jesus,…
The Mystery of the Holy Spirit Revealed
Every follower of Jesus became a believer through the work of the Holy Spirit. Our bodies are His temple. He is charged to take care of us. Yet many of us don’t walk in the power of the Spirit because of misconceptions. In some cases, what you learned created doubts and suspicion—and made you pull…
How to Forgive Anyone for Anything
When we feel like we’ve been wronged we all tend to lash out, withdraw, or both. And then we hurt the ones we care about the most. If unresolved, our psychological and spiritual wounds deepen. Emotional calluses and grudges develop. We become bitter, suspicious, distrusting, and it slowly begins to infect other relationships too—especially with…
The Portrait of a Faithful Man
What would you do if God dropped $10,000,000 in your lap? In this lesson we’re going to look at Jesus’ core teaching that addresses that exact question. You want to be successful. Every man does. Join Patrick Morley and learn or be reminded how God defines success. Let yourself be challenged to see the “bags…
When You Pray…
In the middle of the main sermon of the core teachings of Jesus, He suddenly pivots to prayer motivations. In Matthew 6:5-8, Jesus highlights some dos—and don’ts—for how we are to pray as children of God. Prayer, at its core, is simple communion with our Father in Heaven. Join Jeremy Schurke as we discuss how…
Adopting the Mindset of Serving Others
In training His twelve disciples, no theme is more prominent than how Jesus helped his followers work through their vanity, pride, and arguments about which of them was the greatest. As we will see in this lesson, that’s easier said than done! A major core teaching of Jesus is how you can transition from the…
Answers to Your Questions About Suffering
The world is awash in suffering: affliction, disease, death, hatred, war, anguish, trouble, sin, and tribulation of every kind. We all feel the weight of suffering’s emotions—distress, grief, sadness, anxiety, depression, worry, pain, and sorrow. Suffering is inevitable. Where are you suffering right now? For you it could be a broken relationship, a family issue,…
Making Decisions That Reflect God’s Will
Who wouldn’t love to see God’s will plainly spelled out for every decision? That’s not always possible, of course, but what if it’s easier than you think for most decisions? In this core teaching of Jesus, Patrick Morley will show you God’s way to discover His will. Learn how Jesus wants you to approach decisions…
How You Can Love Someone Who Doesn’t Deserve It
We all know we’re supposed to love one another. But how do you love someone when they don’t love you back, repeatedly manipulate or abuse you, consistently underperform, constantly put pressure on you, don’t respect boundaries, take advantage of your kindness, are negative and cranky, or repeatedly let you down? We all have people like…
The Relationship Is More Important Than the Task
Do you have a hard time carving out time to spend with God? Maybe you have an all-consuming job. Maybe you’re ambitious and don’t feel like you can afford to take the time. Perhaps you have a lot of people depending on you. You might not be convinced it will make that much difference in…
The Most Important Thing
One day Jesus was asked (in so many words), “Teacher, what’s the most important thing a man can do in his relationship with God?” Freeze frame. At that moment, Jesus knew He needed to answer carefully—the next words out of His mouth would be written down and repeated for thousands of years! He knew whatever…
Quarterly Speaker Series Presents… Kris Den Besten
Is there a barrier between your work and your faith? Not for Kris Den Besten. Kris is passionate about empowering marketplace leaders to thrive and live lives of significance through biblical principles. He is also the author of Shine: A Vision for Life and Work That Impacts Eternity. And as the Chairman of Vermeer Southeast,…
An Ache for the Harvest
This week we kick off a new 12-part series to look at the core teachings of Jesus. We’re going to explore 12 compelling problems that we all feel deeply, what Jesus teaches about how to solve them, and ways for each of us to respond. We’ll begin with a core teaching about the mission. Today’s…
Why Did Paul Save This Warning for the End?
Paul has laid out his understanding of the gospel and highlighted the themes that dominate the church even today: the centrality of the cross; the freedom from slavery to sin that the law cannot bring; and the availability of the gospel to all, Jew and Gentile. Now he has come to the end of his…
Give People a Reason to Get Out of Bed
As Paul was finishing up writing what has been called “the entire future of Christian theology,” why did he devote so much real estate to recognizing almost 30 people by name? Who were they, and why does it matter? Was that just a detour, or is there a deeper message for us? Join Patrick Morley…
The Secret of Paul’s Longevity
We all admire the vision, ministry, work ethic, and determination of Paul. What’s extra impressive is how he remained faithful to all that for so long. Join Patrick Morley and let’s see if we can understand how and why this man had no quit in him, his unique view of struggles, and how we too…
Marks of a Healthy Sending Church
Up to this point, the church in Antioch has been Paul’s sending church, but now his sights are set on Spain and Rome. Paul’s whole point in writing to the Romans is to help make them his new sending church, but first, there are some real problems there. Paul gets very personal with the Roman…
Accepting People Who Are “Different”
What kind of people do you find it difficult to accept? Is it a personality type? Those with weak faith? People from different cultures and traditions? Or, maybe you’re the one from the different culture or the one with weak faith, and you feel like people judge you and look down on you. In this…
Why is Building So Important?
What does it mean to build? Do you think of skyscrapers or assembling a project? What if I told you that what you build depends on the way you carry yourself before others? Throughout our days, we never know who is watching us, but yet, we have a responsibility to them. Join Khayree Pender to discover why…
Is it OK for Christians to Drink Alcohol?
As Christians, we all come from various traditions that dictate what behaviors are appropriate for us to participate in. So if one brother thinks having a beer is fine, and another one thinks it’s a sin, what do you do? Join Brett Clemmer as he looks at Paul’s instructions to the Romans about eating and…
The Secret To Uniting The Divided Church
In the days of the early church, Rome was a lot like America is today. It was a melting pot of different people with different experiences and traditions, trying to live together as one country. The newly formed body of Christ reflected this diversity and struggle as well. The Jewish Christians clashed with the Roman…
The Top Priority of Jesus, Peter, and Paul
Do you not suffer fools easily? Do you find it hard to be forgiving when someone doesn’t meet your expectations? Are you impatient with people who are not as smart as you? You probably already know what you shouldn’t do. But how can you turn it around? In this lesson, Patrick Morley will show you…
Is It Ever God’s Will to Disobey Government?
Trash-talking government is popular sport, but is that biblical? Governments are God’s servants for your good. Are you confident or confused about your duty as a citizen? For example, what should you do when the government doesn’t do its duty? Are there boundaries you should not cross? Tune in and let Patrick Morley help you…
What’s Love Got To Do With It?
Love is a word that gets used so casually. Many of us have waited for Cupid to come with an arrow and strike us with love. Others have their guard up, not able to experience what it could offer. And there are some who feel disgusted at the very word “love.” What if we told…
You Can Make an Amazing Contribution!
Does the world make you mad? That would not be surprising because the world is trying to get inside your head. But God wants to get inside your head too. Join Patrick Morley as he shows you how God wants to empower you to make an amazing contribution! If you’re not already in a group,…
Your Agenda, His Assignment
Oftentimes, we struggle with our own agenda when it comes to making decisions that involve a person, place, or things. One wrong feeling or experience can tempt us to be done with it, never to approach it again. But how many great things have we discounted or missed out on as a result? Aren’t you…
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
We know Jesus as the suffering servant, willing to lay down his life to atone for the sins of people who did not even yet exist. Living a perfectly righteous life, he sacrificed himself for us. So why are some people so angry about Jesus? Why do they resist him and his saving grace? For…
Is There Hope for Your Loved Ones?
It’s fascinating how we can walk around so joyful, while at the same time carry a deep sorrow in our hearts for loved ones not walking with God. Maybe they’ve never trusted Christ. Or maybe they’ve walked away. You might be inclined to think that because God is sovereign, there’s no use trying. The die…
The Ironic Life of Solomon
For some men, this will be the most important message of the year. A trillionaire, Solomon had it all—power, wisdom, wealth, fame, respect, and the favor of God. Who hasn’t felt his heart leap after reading a nugget of Solomon’s wisdom in Proverbs or Ecclesiastes? There has never been anyone quite like him. Yet Solomon…
The Role of Prayer in Making Good Decisions
What is a major decision facing you right now, and how will you go about making the right choice? It could be about your work and career, your marriage and home life, the education of your children, how to restore a broken relationship, how to handle a health issue, or any of dozens of other…
God’s Plan for Healing a Nation
These are troubled times, and the issues facing us cannot be left unaddressed. But these are hardly the worst times our nation has seen. Not even close. In this lesson Patrick Morley will help you gain or regain a sense of perspective. You will be reminded about the heart of God and His divine plan…
Why Are Some Leaders Resilient and Why Are Some Not?
In today’s time, most people are very critical and base their decisions on ratings and reviews. Just like a consumer review, people look for certain attributes when looking for a leader. One of the key attributes a leader should possess is resilience. What are some of the attributes you look for when looking for a leader?…
A Foolproof Guide to a Righteous Life
There are many persuasive leaders and teachers out there. Amazon is full of books on successful business and self-help books. You can watch hundreds of 18 minute TED talk videos to learn secrets of influence, management, psychology, and even the right way to tie a shoe. But these authors, speakers and professors can’t teach you…
What You Won’t Learn About Leadership at Harvard
You can get one of the finest business educations in the world at Harvard Business School. One thing they won’t teach you, however, is how to be a humble leader who lives by faith and finishes well. Which brings us to Asa, a leader who experienced God’s favor for 35 years as king of Judah.…
Created to Conquer If…
Do you ever catch yourself walking with your head hung low or defeated by the results of an attempt? Do you find yourself letting those feelings stop you from pursuing other dreams? When you reflect over your life, do you every think to yourself, there is no need to try, I will just be rejected? What…
When it Feels Like Your Sufferings Never End
There’s a lot of groaning going on these days. And for good reasons. Wouldn’t it be nice if after becoming a Christian you could apply for asylum in an idyllic country where pain and suffering of every kind was abolished? Sign me up, right? But in fact, the opposite is true—and sometimes it can feel…
On Being a Son of God
Do you know anyone who has adopted children? It can be an amazing gift to a child whose circumstances are difficult or even untenable for a family to come along and make them a full-fledged member—last name and all. They get an identity, a past and a future, acceptance, and even an inheritance. It’s almost…
The Believer’s Struggle With Sin
Why do you still struggle with sin, and what can you do about it? That’s what we’re going to conclusively nail down in this study. Join Pat Morley and discover how to handle temptation and sin in light of this truth: while sin is part of the normal Christian experience, you are not the villain in…
The Disciple Maker’s Goal
While Mark was not particularly religious, he wanted to be a good person. He tried. Repeatedly. But Mark knew he was never going to muster enough will power to keep the Ten Commandments. Then he heard, understood, and believed, “We’re saved by grace, not by keeping the law.” As a new disciple, Mark still thought…
How Is Your Life Going So Far?
Do you know Christians who are disappointed with how their life has turned out so far? Are you disappointed? Many men have not yet grasped what it means to live under grace rather than law. They are still a slave to the power of sin, rather than living under the reality of grace. Although they’re…
The Radical Nature of Grace
Are you concerned about someone who keeps sinning, even though they have professed faith? Or perhaps you’re wondering about yourself? Paul has strongly emphasized that we are justified (saved) by faith alone. But now he wants to make sure we don’t get the idea we can do whatever we want—or leave things we should do…
Two of the Three Biggest Objections to Faith
What Christian doesn’t want to help another person come to faith? Obviously, we all want that. But it’s a lot harder in the field than it sounds in the classroom, right? Let Patrick Morley show you how easily you can be a “super-spreader” of the life-giving grace that changes men’s lives. Tune in and learn…
No Matter What Happens, You Can Always Rejoice
Everyone admires a man who can handle tough times as well as he enjoys the good times. Maybe you are that man, or maybe you would like to be. In this message, Pat will show you Paul’s prescription to handle whatever life throws at you. The promise is that no matter what happens, you can…
The Story of Abraham’s Faith
You probably know someone who has trouble putting their faith in God. Why is that? Maybe they have lived a particularly sinful life and just can’t get over their past. Perhaps they have a scientific mind and struggle to trust a God they can’t prove. Maybe they’re a relatively decent person and feel like their…