Strength & Struggles
Ephesians 6:12, Habakkuk 3:19, 2 Timothy 1:7 Strength and struggles are things that we deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes it may feel like we don’t have an active role but they are constantly wrestling. When we look at strengths, we can honestly say that we rely on them to help us get a…
Becoming The Man God Created You To Be
Primary: Luke 8:14-15, Hebrews 5:13-6:1 Also: James 1:2-4, Colossians 4:12, Philippians 3:13-17, Colossians 1:28, Ephesians 4:11-16 Every man who loves or wants to love God eventually finds himself hungry for a deeper, richer, more consistent experience with God. This hunger is attended by many cravings which this series will explore—e.g., feeling desperate for more of…
A Deeper Look into the Father’s Love
Psalm 139:1-18, Romans 8:15, John 17:23, Luke 15:20, 1 John 3:1 We all want to believe and trust that God really knows and cares about us personally, right? What hinders us from feeling that way, and what can we do about it? By the end of this session you will feel the joy of a…
A Shepherd and His Sheep
Hebrews 6:1; Colossians 1:15,19; Psalm 23; John 10:27-30; John 14:6 Once when I was a child, I got lost in a store. I wandered the aisles, my emotions moving from worry to distress to panic. And then I heard it: My dad’s voice. He heard me too and quickly scooped me up, dispelling my fears.…
How To Nurture YOUR Relationship With The Holy Spirit
John 14:26, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:15-16, 26-27, 1 Corinthians 2:2-5, Galatians 5:16-23, Ephesians 5:18 You’ve heard your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, right? What does the Holy Spirit do for us—for you—that only he can do? And what are the implications? Join Patrick Morley as he leads us toward a deeper understanding…
A Relationship with God That Doesn’t Depend on Human Success
Genesis 24, Matthew 25:14-30 Do you feel pressure to succeed, humanly speaking? Most of us feel like our relationships are contingent on the effort we put forth, the level at which we perform, or the results we produce. If you win, you’re in. But what does the Bible say about success? Join Patrick Morley as…
What Does it Look Like to Love God the Way He Wants to Be Loved?
Mark 12:28-34 When asked which commandment is the most important, Jesus didn’t hesitate. He said #1 is to love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. What does that mean—really? And has anyone ever loved God like that without dying of exhaustion? If so, what can we learn from them? What would…
Before You Settle for a Lesser Life, Consider This
2 Corinthians 4:7 – 5:7 Jesus told us the most important thing we can do is love God with all our might. So we set our hearts, souls, and minds on that course. But then…life happens. Who among us doesn’t feel overrun (or even knocked down) by troubles and setbacks? Do you find yourself (at…
A Definitive Guide to What You Can and Cannot Pray For
Luke 11:8, 1 John 5:14-15 Jesus says repeatedly, “If you need something just ask for it in my name.” So why is it that when we ask, sometimes we get what we pray for, but sometimes we don’t? Does prayer alter outcomes, or does it only align us with what God was going to do…
A Definitive Guide for Finding God’s Will
Matthew 3:35, Romans 12:2, 1 John 2:17 What is the major decision that has you stumped? We all want to know God’s will. Obviously. What if I told you that you can concretely know God’s will on every occasion? Does that sound like too big of a promise? Join us tomorrow morning and find out!…
Embracing a Spirit of Forgiveness
Luke 17:1-5, Matthew 6:12-15, various Who do you need to forgive? And just to be clear—they wouldn’t need forgiveness if they hadn’t done something wrong. How does that happen? Also, for what do you need to be forgiven, and by whom? And how does that happen? In this lesson you will learn or refresh your…
The Faith of Moses: What You Can Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
Exodus 14 You really have no idea what you should do next. You are out of options. The walls are closing in. There’s nowhere left to turn. This is what the brink of destruction feels like. You’re sure that unless God Himself supernaturally intervenes with an overwhelming display of His power and glory, you’re toast.…
Functioning Through Faith
Luke 5:17-19, 2 Kings 5:1-15, Genesis 22:1-18 When it comes to faith, can we just be honest? It’s kind of like that awkward silence. Or, like that elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. But, here lies the problem—who’s going to address a 13,000-pound situation? Faith is unique because we are told to…
In Times of Trouble, the Rock Solid Man Stands
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 What happens to you when you face struggle, hardship or pain? If your foundation isn’t solid, you’ll stumble and fall. A Rock Solid Man stands firm when the troubles of life hit you. Over the past six sessions we have seen what the Scripture has to say about living like a rock…
What Is Sabbath, Why Does It Matter, and How Do You Do It?
Genesis 2:2, Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Matthew 11:28, 12:1-14, Mark 2:23-28, Luke 5:15-16 You say to your primary care physician, “Doctor, I’m so tired on Mondays I can barely function.” After running the usual tests your doctor tells you, “All your labs came back normal. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks…
The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life
1 Corinthians 16:13-14, 1 John 4:7-16, John 15:1-17 Do you have Scriptures that make you dizzy? Hopefully you do! And hopefully after this lesson you’ll have a few more! Our main text is, “Do everything in love.” What does that mean, and look like in action? Join Patrick Morley and learn, or be reminded, how…
Strong Faith Strong Men (Pete Alwinson)
John 1:19 I NEED EVIDENCE! If you’re trying to prove your case you simply have got to have the facts, and that’s what we’ll be looking at this week. Strong men are made strong by truth which transforms. That’s the stuff of real manhood. Join our guest teacher Pete Alwinson. Below you’ll find three options for downloads…
Strength: Who Is In Your Foxhole?
1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10,12, Galatians 6:1-2, Ephesians 3:16, 6:10, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Are you in a strong place, or do you feel a bit puny? Or maybe a little bit of both depending on the area. Weak or strong, one thing is for sure: we will always be stronger together. In this lesson we…
Speaker Series Presents…Ed Kobel
Our special guest speaker Ed Kobel, President and COO of Debartolo Development, brings a story of his life and business; from successes and failures; and how relying on God helped him through it all. Join us as Ed talks about listening to the Holy Spirit and how it can impact your life today. Below you’ll…
Courage: The Clint Eastwood Effect
1 Corinthians 16:13-14; Joshua 1; Psalm 100:1-3 You’ve seen the movie: a band of outlaws is terrorizing a town until someone—usually a retired gunfighter seeking redemption—arrives to help the townspeople stick up for themselves. Suddenly, the meek and mild general store proprietor has a shotgun in his hands and says, “Not in my town, scumbag!”…
God’s Way to Stand Firm in the Faith
1 Peter 3:14-18, Romans 10:17, Matthew 22:29, 7:24-27, Hebrews 4:12 What is the problem God is trying to solve when he says, “Stand firm in the faith”? As much as we want to stay positive, almost every day has “I wish I didn’t have to go through this” moments. While we can’t escape the storms…
Are You Ready for Anything?
Luke 12:35-40; I Corinthians 9:19-27, 10:12-14; I Peter 3:14-16, 5:8 Paul finishes up his first letter to the Corinthians with a summary of Christian manhood: “Be on your guard,” he says. “Stand firm in the faith. Be men of courage. Be strong. Do everything in love.” We are starting a new series looking at these…
If You REALLY Want To Do Something Great, Pass It On!
John 8:31-32, 2 Timothy 2:2, Titus 2:6-8, 1 Timothy 5:1, John 4:35-38, John 15:1-8, 12-13, 20-21 Ask a Christian man succeeding in life, “What’s your secret?” and he’s probably going to tell you, “I had a mentor.” Or “A man took me under his wing and showed me the ropes.” Or something similar. There’s no…
The Biggest Loser
Luke 22:42; Matthew 20:22-23; Romans 12 A man gives up the opportunity for career advancement, turning down a promotion that would have required a move and large amounts of traveling, so he can be involved in his family and church life more fully. Another man devotes his time to coaching. Starting with his own kids…
On Those Days When You Feel Like Giving Up
Matthew 26:31-35, 56, Ephesians 1:11-14, 1 Peter 5:6-11 Last week we said, “everyone is wounded” and looked at how we can help them. But what about when you’re the one who’s wounded? Part of doing something great with your life is knowing how to keep your composure and stay the course when times are tough.…
What Makes Your Heart Beat Fast and Puts a Smile on Your Face?
Romans 8:20-23, 2 Corinthians 4:7-11, 1 Corinthians 12:7-27, 7:17-24, John 15:8-17, Matthew 5:14-16 Where do you see our community groaning for relief? Maybe it’s the battle to save families raging in neighborhoods across the city—your neighborhood. Maybe it’s for people slipping through the cracks. Maybe it’s for your peers who need Jesus. Maybe it’s an…
Most Marriage Problems Would Disappear If We Did This
James 3:2-12, Matthew 15:11, 17-20, Psalm 127:1, Galatians 5:15-26, 2 Timothy 1:7, 2:22 You just got home from work. All day long you’ve been interacting with coworkers, customers, and vendors. Knowing how tough your day can be, your wife greets, comforts, and consoles you. But like your coworkers, she too has unmet needs, problems to…
How to Make a Difference in Your Kids’ (& Other Kids’) Lives
Psalm 78:1-8; John 17: 11-12; Romans 8:15-17; 2 Timothy 1:7 How important is a dad? The statistics are clear that growing up without a dad puts a child at greater risk for economic, educational and legal instability. So many kids are encountering single parent households these days—31% of all children in 2016—that there is a…
What Is the Difference Between a Job and a Calling?
Ephesians 2:10, Acts 13:2, 20:33-35, 1 Corinthians 12:6, 15:58, Colossians 3:23-24, Luke 3:8-14 The Conference Board reports that 50% of us find our work satisfying and 50% of us don’t. Which half are you in? In this lesson Patrick Morley will help you clarify the difference between a job and a calling, how you can…
The Importance of Purpose with Special Guest Speaker John Rivers
We’re in a series about how to do something great with your life. The “twist” for the believer is that doing something great means becoming a servant. No one exemplifies that better than 4 Rivers Smokehouse founder John Rivers, our special guest speaker this week. John is a successful entrepreneur with a growing family of…
Speaker Series: John Rivers
Man in the Mirror Bible Study Speaker Series presents John Rivers, founder and CEO of 4Roots and 4R Restaurant Group. John has joined us at the 44th annual Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast to share his story—a model of how faith, passion, and calling come together. Please note that this message is only available via podcast/audio at…
Get Free From The Hurt That’s Holding You Back
Matthew 13:23, 6:14-15, 18:21-22, 18:33-35 Who doesn’t want to stay strong for the long haul and produce a lot of fruit? Yet many of us are so beat up that we feel like something is holding us back. Pat Morley was feeling that way not long ago. Join us as he shares his “spiritual awakening of…
If You Want to be Great, You Have to Start Here
Matthew 25:14-30 Why do some men make it big starting with little or nothing, and others never seem to rise above their circumstances? As we continue to look at the parable of the talents, Jesus teaches us a key to the success and failure of the servants that applies to us today. Join Brett Clemmer…
How To Be An Outrageously Successful Disciple
1 Corinthians 4:1-2, Matthew 25:14, 21, 23 Can you give a good definition of “Christian success?” By the end of this lesson, you will have no doubt about the answer! It will be crystal clear in your mind. And you’ll have a GREAT way of explaining Christian success to others. PLUS, the Big Idea will…
The Greatness That Is Available to Everyone
recognition & status: Matthew 23:1-12; sacrifice: Mark 10:29-31; mindset: Luke 17:10 Are you a single man who wants nothing more than to marry, settle down, and start a family? A newlywed who wants to get his marriage off on the right foot? A husband and father who feels overwhelmed by your responsibilities? A man who…
The Possibility of Greatness
John 14:12; 1) Mark 9:33-35; 2) Matthew 20:26,28; 3) John 13:15; Luke 22:24,26,27 God wants YOU to do something great with your life. The first step to every great outcome is to imagine its possibility. For example, imagine what it would look like in your community if no child went to school hungry, no inmate…
All the Wisdom of the World in 30 Minutes
Ecclesiastes 13 How often do you hear men asking these kinds of questions? Why does my life feel so empty? I got what I wanted, so why am I still not happy? Why does contentment always seem to elude me? Why can’t I conquer worry and disappointment? Where can I go to find meaning? In…
It All Comes Down to This
Ecclesiastes 12 “Everything is meaningless. A chasing after the wind.” Unless you do this. Solomon has led us on a quest for wisdom and purpose throughout Ecclesiastes. The quest leads not so much to a place as to a way to live. If you are feeling overwhelmed with the stress of effort, expectation, and achievement,…
When You’re Feeling Stuck
Ecclesiastes 11 Sometimes the hardest part of success is just taking that first step. Maybe you’re waiting for the perfect conditions, or worried about the risks or just having trouble getting moving—you know what you need to do, your just not quite sure when or how. Join Brett Clemmer as he reveals Solomon’s eleventh secret to…
Solomon’s Advice If You Want To Be Counted Among The Wise
Ecclesiastes 10 None of us want to play the fool. That’s obvious. That said, we all know men who just seem to be really good at making wise decisions. What is it that they have discovered? And how can we increase our own wisdom? Tapping into Solomon’s own legendary wisdom, that’s what we’re going to…
For Those Days When You Feel Disappointed With God
Ecclesiastes 9 We’re all asking the same questions. Will my dream come true? Will I lead a meaningful life? Will I be respected? If applicable, will my marriage be good? Will it last? If applicable, will my children turn out well? Will we have a good or a bad relationship? Will I have enough money…
You Can’t Know The Future, So Where Does That Leave Us?
Ecclesiastes 8 Solomon wanted to discover what is worthwhile for us to do during our days on earth. In Ecclesiastes he’s teaching us what he found. So far he has discovered that God makes good times and bad times, and we can’t know what the future will bring our way, or when. So where does…
Solomon’s Wisdom for Whatever Has You Worried
Ecclesiastes 7 “Whatever happened to the good old days?” Solomon doesn’t want you to pine for the past. But that’s not all! He doesn’t want you to worry about the present or the future either with questions like: How can I force this order to happen? How can I get this woman to marry me?…
Solomon’s Great Secret of Contentment
Ecclesiastes 6 What if you had everything you ever wanted and could enjoy it? That would be great, right? But what if you could find just as much enjoyment with what you have right now? Wouldn’t that be awesome? Join Patrick Morley as Solomon explains how a man who has it all can “choose” not…
Even If You Can Get Rich, Only God Can Make You Happy
Ecclesiastes 5 When you hear, “Money won’t make you happy,” it’s a little hard to swallow when you’re behind on your bills. Especially if the person telling you has money! Money IS important. But if you’ve ever had money, you also know that above a certain level, money often creates more problems than it solves.…
If This Shoe Fits Don’t Wear It!
Ecclesiastes 4 Solomon searched and explored to find out what a man can do that is worthwhile. Fortunately for us, he wrote down what he found. He explained what a man can gain for his toil. In this lesson, Solomon turns our attention to four odious situations we should avoid at all costs. But he…
Solomon’s Prescription For a Happy Life
Ecclesiastes 3 Sometimes we feel on top of the world, but sometimes we feel like the world is on top of us. Whether you’re carrying a burden or are experiencing something beautiful, God is watching how you respond. What is he looking for? Join Patrick Morley for yet another amazing insight from Solomon as he…
Strong Coffee for Men Intoxicated by the World
Ecclesiastes 1 No book in the Bible is more mysterious—or resonant—than Ecclesiastes. Who doesn’t identify with Solomon when he writes, “Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” Join Patrick Morley as we figure out why Solomon wrote it, what he discovered, and how it can help us lead more meaningful lives.Solomon’s Twelve…
This Bad Thing Could Easily Be The Best Thing That Ever Happens To You
John 11 What is the bad thing that is weighing you down? Does it feel like a problem without a solution? Does your situation seem hopeless? That’s certainly how the man in this story felt. Born blind, a beggar, so inconsequential the story doesn’t even mention his name! Yet out of this story emerges a…