The 5 Types of Men
The Big Idea: Adam failed. Jesus Nailed. Grace Prevailed. The “four visions of the world” explained in our last lesson produce “five types of men.” Which one are you? Join us this week and learn the answer! We’ll delve into the chart Man in the Mirror uses around the world to explain these 5 types of…
4 Contrasting World Visions
The Big Idea: My belief system is perfectly designed to produce the results I’ve been getting. As we kick-off the Challenge 2 in The Journey to Biblical Manhood entitled, “The Gospel: Build a Firm Foundation in the Faith,” I thought a good place to start would be contrasting the four visions of the world we…
The Skeleton Key to Biblical Manhood
The Big Idea: A group, a Bible, and serving someone else will solve 90% of my problems. You love Jesus. Great. But if loving Jesus by itself was enough to achieve biblical manhood, you would’ve arrived a long time ago, right? So what’s really going on, and what can we do about it? The solution…
What Is Biblical Manhood, and How Do We Get It?
The Big Idea: I don’t just read my Bible. I let my Bible read me. Why do we need biblical manhood? Mick Jagger tells us why in the evergreen lyric, “I can’t get no satisfaction. I try, and I try, and I try, and I try. Can’t you see I’m on a losing streak. I…
The Goal of Biblical Manhood
The Big Idea: Your worst day with Jesus can be infinitely better than your best day without Him. Every day you get up, get dressed, go to work, come home, eat some dinner, watch a little TV, maybe read something, go to bed, then get up and do it all over again. Why? So one…
What Separates a Successful Leader From One Who Fails?
Big Idea: Successful leaders, they have no illusion about what it takes for people to adopt change. Why do some men just get a better result? We want to give God all glory and credit, of course. But the Holy Spirit usually does his best work when people know what they’re doing–whether that’s piloting a…
Is America Ripe for Another Great Awakening?
The Big Idea: Only God can send revival but we can hasten the day through humble repentant prayer. It gets pounded into our heads every day: “We are a divided nation.” Even if that’s not as true as some would have us believe, it does seem to dominate public discourse. Where is Christianity in all…
What Getting a “Quick Win” Can Do For You
The Big Idea: Nothing can turn doubters into allies faster than getting a quick win. You always knew this would be harder than it looked, right? And you always knew there would be surprises? But you were determined. And that has paid off. You identified and removed the bottleneck that was holding you back. Now…
What Can You Do When the “Wow” Wears Off?
The Big Idea: What one bottleneck, if removed, will most accelerate you toward your goal? A lot of people were genuinely enthusiastic when you first shared your vision. They, too, shared the ache of your burden. So they joined your movement, and you got started with a big bang. The early wins were intoxicating. But…
3 Keys to Overcome Oppostion
The Big Idea: Expect opposition.Trust God.Take responsibility. It was looking so good. Great vision. A dedicated team. An awesome plan. Enough resources to get started. A quick win (or two). Everyone had such high hopes. And then, it started: the resistance. Some came from genuinely concerned people. Of course, there were a few grumps who…
Creating Early Momentum
The Big Idea: Dream unbelievably big, but start believably small. It’s your burden. But you’ve been successful to find others who share not only your pain and burden, but also your vision. You’ve assembled the right team, the right plan, and the right resources. But you can’t rebuild the whole thing in one fell swoop.…
Three Things You’ll Need to Get Started
The Big Idea: Preparation without prayer is presumption. Likewise, prayer without preparation is presumption. You feel the weight of a heavy burden. Maybe it’s the nation. But it could be your marriage. Or your business. Maybe it’s you. Whatever’s troubling you, it’s just not working. Something has to change. It’s time to rebuild. Let’s say…
1st Step: What Does God Want You to Do?
The Big Idea: The first step to every great outcome is to imagine its possibility. The challenges you face look and feel overwhelming. You’re not sure what to do. Or if it would make any difference if you did. Or whether it’s even worth the effort. But if you DID know what to do, and…
Manhood Demonstrated
The Big Idea: We can pursue, protect, and produce because Jesus has pursued, protected, and produced for us. What does manhood look like in real life? How do you know if the way you are living your life will really make a difference in the end? The scripture shows us not only what a man…
Manhood Defined
The Big Idea: Where God has made you responsible, you need to move to make the unfruitful fruitful. Would you say that most men have a good understanding of what a real man is and how to become one? Do you? Many men today feel unfulfilled because they are pursuing a false version of manhood.…
It’s Going to Be A Battle (But Jesus Wins)
The Big Idea: Fighting against sin allows Christ to do for us what we could never do for ourselves. Why do so many men seem to be living mediocre lives, trapped in complacency, addiction, and compromise? Why is it so easy for men to “just get along” being nice guys but not really living with…
Do Something Great With Your Life!
The Big Idea: The greatest mission to which a man can aspire is to be a disciple-making disciple. How do you think you will be remembered? How do you want to be remembered? In this final “5 Weeks To Live” message, we’re going to explore God’s way to do something great with your life. Every…
Fulfilling God’s Plan For Your Life
The Big Idea: I want to be so utterly convinced I am doing God’s will that I wouldn’t change a thing. One day St. Francis of Assisi was out hoeing a row of beans when a passerby asked, “What would you be doing right now if you knew this was the last day of your…
Finding Respect and Honor at Home
The Big Idea: The turning point of our lives is when we stop seeking the God we want, and start seeking the God who is. Imagine the doctor just told you, “I’m sorry, but you only have five weeks to live.” What would be important to you? What would you want to do, and with…
Leadership Now!
In extraordinary times, extraordinary leadership is needed. All times are extraordinary! Today Peter talks about the singular importance of leadership and how godly leadership affects God’s flock, Christ’s church, His body which is to be at point for extending the Kingdom of God in our day and age. Dr. Pete Alwinson talks about a subject…
Finding a New Best Friend in Your Wife
The Big Idea: After God, but before all others, make your wife your top priority. What is your wife’s greatest need? What does it look like to be your wife’s best friend? These are questions we’ll be answering in this message. PLUS you’ll walk out with some very practical “deposits” you can immediately start making…
Finding a Deeper Personal Relationship with God
The Big Idea: The turning point of our lives is when we stop seeking the God we want, and start seeking the God who is. Imagine the doctor just told you, “I’m sorry, but you only have five weeks to live.” What would be important to you? What would you want to do, and with…
Did Someone Tell You Christianity Was Going To Be Easy?
The Big Idea: Because God is faithful, I can do my best in the midst of suffering. Maybe you heard it at a youth camp, or in a sermon, or from a well-meaning friend: Becoming a Christian is great! It solves all your problems and makes life so much easier! Here’s the truth: Christianity is…
How You Can REALLY Make A Difference
The BIG IDEA. To be a Christian is to love everyone and want God’s best for them. Imagine your neighbor. He knows you’re a Christian. You know he’s not. He’s constantly testing your patience, puts everything you say under a microscope, and needles you for “believing” whenever he gets a chance. Or maybe it’s a…
Resilient Marriage
Do men really lead their wives and families any more or do wives do most of the family leadership? In a world that’s growing progressively against Christian themes, how can our marriages last and make a difference? Dr. Pete Alwinson continues 1st Peter and talks about how Gospel-produced resilient marriages are more powerful and impactful…
The Only Way to Really Live
The BIG IDEA. Real manhood follows full surrender. We can all agree that it’s tough for many men today to figure out how to keep their priorities straight in this weird world. There are so many distractions that pull at us, and so many forces trying to influence the direction we go. Do you feel like…
Things To Do While Living In Rome
The Big Idea: Live such a good life that people know where to turn when Rome burns. In Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Francis Schaeffer found five attributes marked Rome at its end: a growing love of show and luxury, a widening gap between the very rich and very poor, an obsession…
Becoming The Man People Turn To When Life Gets Too Weird
The Big Idea: Walk in the world like a priest, and there are many of us. We’ve been looking at how we can keep ourselves straight, even as the world gets more and more weird. But what about the people around us? Where can they turn when their lives start getting a bit too weird?…
Finding Truth You Can Trust
The Big Idea: You only have two choices: live in the Word, or die in the world. If you’re like most men, there are areas of your life where you wish you were doing better. And yet we can go weeks, months, or even years without seeing any real improvement. The temptations and distractions of…
Building a Life of Integrity
The Big Idea: A life of integrity is built on: Hope in God, Holiness like God, Reverence for God In a world that’s getting weirder, it can be hard to find solid ground to stand on. How does a Christian build a life of integrity when the values and truth seem to be disintegrating? Brett…
Where Were You When the World Went Weird?
The Big Idea: Be a thermostat, not a thermometer. While we probably have many different opinions about how we got into the current situation, we can probably all agree that the world is getting a little crazy. It’s a weird time to be a Christian. Yet as we’ll see in 1st Peter, it has always…
Habit #6: Spiritually Happy Men Are “Part” of a Church
The Big Idea: Don’t be estranged from your Father because a few siblings let you down. Most of us have heard someone say, and many of us have said ourselves, “I know I should be more committed, but I just don’t feel challenged and inspired by church. Besides, I’m getting everything I need in my…
Habit #5: Spiritually Happy Men Are Generous
The Big Idea: Have you ever known a spiritually unhappy man who tithes? Every “on fire” Christian would love to be tithing. We all know men who are, and we’d love to be more like them—if for no other reason than to be as spiritually happy as they are. But how? Is generosity something you…
Habit #4: Spiritually Happy Men Pray With & For Their Wives
The Big Idea: Praying with my wife brings the Greatest Power in the universe into my most important earthly relationship. Prayer is powerful. It puts us in a conversation with the perfect Father who loves you more than anyone ever could, and has more power than anyone you could ever know. So it makes sense…
Habit #3 Spiritually Happy Men Serve
The Big Idea: You need to have a deep, intentional, spiritual impact in one person’s life. (You’ll love it and God gets the glory.) We live in a culture that relentlessly pushes us to think about ourselves. Look out for #1. What do you need to be happy? How about this new car, new relationship,…
Habit #2: Spiritually Happy Men Are in a Small Group
The Big Idea: The Rat Race is the conflict between who I am created to be and who I am tempted to be. The proverbial questions of the rat race–“What’s it all about?” and “Is this all there is?”–have tortured us all at one time or another. So let’s kick off this new series by…
Habit #1: Spiritually Happy Men Read the Bible Regularly
The Big Idea: Your life will never change in any significant way apart from the regular study of God’s Word. What differentiates joyful men from the rest of the pack? In this new series, we’re going to explore six foolproof habits that set genuinely happy men apart from men who feel like lasting happiness eludes…
Character-Building Struggle
The Big Idea: Our job as fathers is to build strong resiliant kids through our presence, process and prayer. We all want our kids to succeed, to avoid our mistakes and the consequences. How do we walk with our kids through struggles that will form their character, rather than save them from every little bump…
You Can Always Be a Great Dad
The Big Idea: Encouragement is the food of the heart, and every heart is a hungry heart. Every Christian dad wants to be a great dad. In this lesson we’ll see how those good intentions sometimes go astray, but also how easy it is to be that great dad we all want to be. It’s…
Finding Work That Makes You Feel Alive
The Big Idea: I will feel fully alive when I truly believe God gave me this work for a reason. We are made for tasks—to work, to serve, to contribute, to add to the greater good. But if you’re not happy in your work, you’re probably not happy anywhere. So, what if you don’t like…
If Work Is a Blessing, Why Does It Feel Like a Curse?
The Big Idea: We glorify God in work when, in spite of brokenness and sin, we reflect His image to the world. Work can bring some of the highest highs and also the lowest lows. Closing the deal, finishing the project, meeting the sales goal — the feeling is amazing. Having a project go bad,…