Building a Life of Integrity
The Big Idea: A life of integrity is built on: Hope in God, Holiness like God, Reverence for God In a world that’s getting weirder, it can be hard to find solid ground to stand on. How does a Christian build a life of integrity when the values and truth seem to be disintegrating? Brett…
Habit #5: Spiritually Happy Men Are Generous
The Big Idea: Have you ever known a spiritually unhappy man who tithes? Every “on fire” Christian would love to be tithing. We all know men who are, and we’d love to be more like them—if for no other reason than to be as spiritually happy as they are. But how? Is generosity something you…
Habit #3 Spiritually Happy Men Serve
The Big Idea: You need to have a deep, intentional, spiritual impact in one person’s life. (You’ll love it and God gets the glory.) We live in a culture that relentlessly pushes us to think about ourselves. Look out for #1. What do you need to be happy? How about this new car, new relationship,…
Habit #1: Spiritually Happy Men Read the Bible Regularly
The Big Idea: Your life will never change in any significant way apart from the regular study of God’s Word. What differentiates joyful men from the rest of the pack? In this new series, we’re going to explore six foolproof habits that set genuinely happy men apart from men who feel like lasting happiness eludes…
Character-Building Struggle
The Big Idea: Our job as fathers is to build strong resiliant kids through our presence, process and prayer. We all want our kids to succeed, to avoid our mistakes and the consequences. How do we walk with our kids through struggles that will form their character, rather than save them from every little bump…
The Role of a Husband
The Big Idea: If you don’t step up, she can’t come alongside. If you knew then what you know now, would you still get married? Some might say, no. But for the vast majority of us the answer is, yes. But we’d also like some help figuring out what to do about those “irreconcilable differences?”…
The Man Who Could No Longer Remain Silent
The Big Idea: What stirs you so deeply that you can no longer remain silent? Our nation is falling apart morally. Few would disagree. But what can you do? No doubt the early disciples were thinking similar thoughts and asking similar questions at the murder of their Leader. Now we come to His burial. In…
What Can Happen When a Man Finally Gets It
The Big Idea: Am I where I’m supposed to be? Am I doing what needs to be done? Is this where I can do the most good? What did a lifelong criminal dying on a cross next to Jesus see that was so powerful he felt compelled to plead, “Jesus, remember me when You come…
The Fully Surrendered Life
The Big Idea: The key to embracing God’s will is to fully surrender any will of my own. Many soldiers and martyrs have gone fearlessly to their deaths. But in today’s passage, Jesus underwent a moment of unrivaled agony and suffering. What was happening that was so extraordinary? What does it mean to us? And…
What Knowledge Will Bring You Sustainable Joy?
The Big Idea: The more we grasp just how much Jesus really cares, the more robust will be our joy. Are you a basically unhappy man who occasionally experiences joy, or a basically joyful man who occasionally experiences sadness? We will all feel what C. S. Lewis called “stabs of joy” in our circumstances, but…
Rock Solid Men – Becoming a Man of Courage [David Delk]
The Big Idea: Courage comes from knowing Who is holding the end of the rope. What does it mean to have courage? Most of us as men lead rather mundane and ordinary lives, yet all of us eventually find ourselves in circumstances that require courage. It may be a disagreement with our spouse, a cancer…
Do Something Great With Your Life
The Big Idea: The first step to every great outcome is to imagine its possibility. All men are wired to want to do something great with their lives. Some of us may not think it was ever possible. Others that it is no longer possible. But every one of us longs for it. Greatness is…
Daniel: The Principle of Uncompromising Character
The Big Idea: Godly character doesn’t come from “obeying the rules,” but out of the overflow of a faith-filled heart. No man had a more uncompromising character than Daniel. What kind of character do you have? Are you, like Daniel, known for godly character? If so, how will you stay faithful? Or has your character…
The Principle of Spiritual Growth
The Big Idea: The spiritual disciplines are what differentiate men who are growing from those who are not. Every one of us wants to grow and become spiritually mature. So why do some men thrive while others become stagnant? And why do we often feel like an invisible force is trying to hold us back?…
The Principle of Spiritual Maturity
The Big Idea: You are closing in on spiritual maturity when you can say to another man, “Follow my example.” What does it mean to be “spiritually mature?” And why do many men find spiritual maturity such a struggle? In this lesson we’re going to answer those questions AND give you a practical tool that…
How Jesus Looks At Generosity
The Big Idea: You don’t have to give a large amount to give a lot. It’s pretty obvious that a $10,000 donation will pay for more charitable needs that a $100 donation. So does that make the $10,000 donor more generous, valuable, pleasing, or righteous in God’s eyes? You may be surprised–or not–to learn that…
Helping Men Climb Out Of Their Rut
The Big Idea: If God puts a man in your path who is stuck, discipleship means finding out why and then helping him solve that problem. You can see them sitting next to you at any traffic light in America. The pace has numbed their senses. They don’t get enough rest. They’re always on the…
The Kind of Man Who Pleases God
The Big Idea: Becoming and making disciples is the fruit that pleases God. We all go through stages on our spiritual journeys. At first we’re the ministry. But eventually we come to faith, start to grow, and ultimately want to express our gratitude in some form of service. As we mature we start thinking less…
Moses: The Principle of Personal Transformation
The Big Idea: God makes men by taking us through a humbling process that fundamentally changes the way we think. Who hasn’t felt led by God to do something that we thought was important but ended up with egg on our face? Maybe you felt called to a career which required special training or education,…
Paul: The Principle of a Passionate Life
The Big Idea: God makes men by igniting and sustaining a passion within us to love and serve Jesus. Our city is bulging with bold men who lead passionate lives for the glory of Jesus Christ. These men are overflowing with purpose, meaning, joy and, yes, plenty of opposition and struggles. They’re convinced their lives…
David: The Principle of Correction
The Big Idea: God makes men by doing whatever it takes to correct and restore us when we go astray. Suppose your son knows he shouldn’t hit his sister, but hits her anyway and, when confronted, says, “I’m sorry.” You will immediately forgive him, right? Of course. But is that the end of it? Of…